


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Thimble
Species: Tiger Quoll
Age: 23
Gender: Trans Man (He/Him)
Orientation: Demisexual Panromantic
Height: 4’2

Personality: He has obtained sentience and is going to make it everybody’s problem. He’s a bit snappy and closed off, and prone to lashing out when placed under pressure. He’s lonely underneath it all, he’s just not great at communicating or being vulnerable in any sense of the word.

Cortex’s work on animal sapience and the development and evolution of such was something that wouldn’t go unnoticed. A colleague at the Academy of Evil, known as [REDACTED] would go on to steal his work and replicate it in hopes of making an army for herself. Her magnum opus would be Thimble, a Tiger Quoll who would later escape her grasp through unknown means. He now spends his time off the coast of Australia, namely on Wumpa Island, where he crashed post-escape. He remains anxious for the future, afraid his former master will one day come back for him.

- Sapience (Evolvo-Ray exposure allowed Thimble to obtain coherent thought and sense of self. He has the same intelligence as an average human as a result.)
- Agility (Thimble is able to outrun most humans and able to jump decent heights, though less so than those exposed to the Cortex Vortex or more advanced revisions of the Evolvo-Ray.)
- Piercing Screech (Thimble is able to screech at decibels high enough to stun most foes for a few seconds and shatter certain materials, namely glass)

- Water (He can’t swim)
- Anxiety (Thimble is an anxious being, which can potentially be exploited)