Kida Sumiyo



7 years, 28 days ago

Basic Info


March 20 (16 years older than Naruto)






Deep red




Tokuma Sumiyo (husband, deceased), Unnamed child (daughter, deceased), Tadaaki Sumiyo (son, alive)



Though her lineage hails from the small island nation of the Land of Cats, her parents moved to the Land of Fire shortly before the Second Shinobi War and later gave birth to Kida. They were not ninjas themselves and such took refuge wherever they could, resulting in Kida lacking a stable early life. The eventually settled in Konohagakure and Kida enrolled in their local ninja academy. While training, Kari fell in love with a civilian named Tokuma, a florist in training. They married after the end of the war and soon their first child was conceived (age 20). The couple decided to vacation to Kari's homeland, the Land of Cats. Things seemed fine, until Kida's delivery. The villagers became violent, taking her husband and newborn child while she was weak from the birth. It was revealed that the villagers mistook her for Kushina Uzumaki, and tried to turn her over to rival shinobi forces in exchange for money and protection. The shinobi, upon realizing she was not Kushina killed both her husband and child, and then proceeded to keep Kari hostage and under interrogation for information on the Hidden Leaf Village. After several months, Kida broke free from her imprisonment and exacted her revenge from the village. Within three months, a third of the village was wiped out by her hand and jutsu, spreading rumors of a nightmarish tiger preying on the villagers. It drew Obito's attention, who came only to see if this was the work of a recruitable force. Kida only asked for death, wracked with grief and her revenge completed. Instead, Obito convinced her to work under him in order to achieve the Eye of the Moon. She agreed under the condition that she would be granted a child. She was later declared legally dead by Leaf ninja, and her status marked as outlaw upon death because of her crimes.

Given a new purpose in life, Kida acted as an all around minion in most cases. Using her abilities to commune with cats and disguising herself, she gathered vital information while remaining under the radar. Rarely did she engage in open combat, but she wasn't opposed to becoming physical to those who threatened Obito's plan if she came across them.
Her son Tadaaki was conceived and born after Naruto left Konoha (age 29), forcing Kari to take a step back and setup in Amegakure. During her pregnancy and early years of Tadaaki's life, she gathered information and compiled countless piles of data for Obito. During their information exchanges, Kida slowly pried out small bits about who he was before they first met. 

When the Fourth Great War broke out, Kida intended to fight for Obito on the front lines and act as a sort of scout and destroy anything she could find. She was forcibly sent away on the eve of the war however, her memory of Obito sealed away. Left with her son and presumably with no one else knowing of her involvement with him and with no memory of Obito, Kida found it difficult to adjust. She traveled with her son constantly, unable to stay in one place with the rapid development of technology. The only things keeping her from total breakdown was her son Tadaaki and teaching him the ways of their ancestors. Things came to a sudden halt when Kida was found by the leaders of the Land of Cats, who uncovered her mass murder of the village she had been trapped in. They offered her to return with a full pardon, claiming that she was one of the few left who could "restore their historic land". Tadaaki convinced her to return, and the two began traveling back to the country. Kida fell ill while they were passing through the Land of Fire however, and Tadaaki had to make the executive decision to bring her Konoha and hope they wouldn't raise too many questions. 


Abilities and Jutsu:

Heavenly Feline Form: A kekkei genkai passed down through three families from the Land of Cats. Kida's particular family has the power to transform into a larger than average tiger, with enhanced strength and speed. This form was originally used for hunting, not shinobi combat.

Tiger's Rage: The user becomes gripped with frightful rage, with tiger stripe markings appearing on their body and granting them with enhanced strength at the cost of rationality and control. Extremely dangerous and often leaves the user exhausted. Recovery often takes a week at minimum. 

Summoning Justsu: Kida can summon tigers, which is normally used in conjunction with her Heavenly Feline Form. While summoning is a shinobi art, the Land of Cats once again originally incorporated it into their hunting techniques. 

Feline Communication: The ability to commune with felines is one distinctly unique to denizens of the Land of Cats. This is strongest with domesticated cats, and grows more difficult with feral and wild felines. Communication with large cats (i.e tigers, jaguars, leopards) can only be attempted by those with the Heavenly Feline Form kekkei genkai. 

Earth Style: With an Earth based chakra, Kari uses Earth style jutsu. She has a wide variety of defensive jutsu at her disposal, with a smaller range of attacks.

Taijutsu: Kida rarely turns to taijutsu beyond common hand-to-hand techniques that most ninja know. Favored style is misdirecting her opponents attack and using their weight against them.