(S) Litanilaude



6 years, 10 months ago

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Adroni [012]


"This follow-of-saboteurs (and sole member of the adrounenzi line), Litanilaude, lacked eyes and so, their movements mimicked the splash-flows of their markings; fluid, spilling out across each rock and sunken train beneath the black-water skin above. Hands guided by the feedback of clicks sought out coins and bottlecaps and any other things that sparkled; these they clutched tight, examined in as best a way they could, and tucked them out-of-sight beneath steel sheets and wooden cabinets where they were immediately forgotten. All the while, Litanilaude sang and sang, and their voice became with each verse more like the tapping of tin against iron."
A Funeral for Beasts (excerpt), author unknown. 

"They became as gods beneath the wave, and they'd swallow up all the others if they could, you know; no loyalty between the lot of them." Ryzhikov, Samuil. Dos Vorzego, 11