Lisabet Arondottir



7 years, 30 days ago

Basic Info




Cis Female




Lisabet is weak minded and easily bossed. She doesn't seem to mind too terribly, perhaps even prefers it; after all, how can she be blamed for another's command? Very much a "don't kill the messenger" type of person.


One on one conversation


"As my lady commands it."


Lisabet was born and raised in Iceland by an ambassador father and a stay at home mother. She'd always been something of a quiet child--The one who always sat in the corner and read books. Her favorite books were all nonfiction. There was so much to learn and she wanted to know all of it. Plus, a book couldn't try to blow you off or force you to do things you didn't want.... or lie to you.

Her mother was very loving, but an alleged affair ended with a divorce. Her father got custody of Lisabet, her mother deemed unfit to raise a child with no income and, as her father's lawyer argued, lacking the mental stability to obtain a good job. The incident only caused her to close up more. Her father allowed it. He wanted his daughter to be comfortable. She spent more time in the house from there on out.

Although shy with most everyone (including father), she'd definitely been a talkative one around some close friends.... well one specifically.

Anastasia's family had stayed in Iceland purely for diplomatic reasons. Lisabet's dad offered to let them stay at their place, clearly simply trying to woo the Russian aristocracy. They accepted. Anastasia was all smiles and charm in front of Lisabet's father, but the second she was left alone with Lisabet she revealed her true personality.

Anastasia had a commanding sort of presence that Lisabet couldn't help but be drawn to. It was a soft kind of commanding, like you were simply being asked to do something. However, make no mistake, it was most definitely a command. Perhaps that was why Lisabet got dragged into all the attempts to pour flower on the chief cleaner's head or try to put fingerprints on the nice china. Ah yes, the two of them were a very good duo. Anastasia loved mischief and Lisabet provided the extra set of hands needed to pull of her plans, so she was nice to Lisabet. Sometimes Lisabet would comment or make suggestions, or simply blabber about her books. This grew more frequent over time.

Eventually, Anastasia's family left. They didn't see each other for a while, but Anastasia took over her family's estate almost as soon as she was able to legally. Lisabet found herself needing to find a job and in swooped Anastasia to hire her as a personal assistant.... well that was the title of the job. Really, she was basically hiring a best friend to live with her. Of course, Lisabet does do personal assistant things and things beyond that such as holding books for Anastasia to read or reading to her when she was tired and the need to finish up work was large. She's happy though and she thinks that's all that matters.