-Ethan "Button" Everett-



3 years, 3 months ago



Ethan, nicknamed Button by his 'found family', is the main character of this story. Generally, he's shy, soft-spoken and friendly, but can be cowardly and clumsy.

Headcanon voice: Ronno from Bambi


Ethan is short for his age, and a little more baby faced too. He has short, light ginger hair, wide green eyes, rosy cheeks and a little scar on his right cheek. In the 'real world', he sports a blue graphic shirt with a shooting star design, jeans and red vintage sneakers. In the 'other world', Button wears a frilly button-up shirt under a black waistcoat and green cravat - on the cravat is a red button pin, which is bewitched to turn into any weapon he wishes. He also wears short striped green pantaloons over long black socks, green Mary Janes, a wide sleeved brown coat and a light brown satchel with green ruffles on the sides and intricate patterns on the lid. A plaster is present where his little scar is.

  • Writing a journal
  • The night sky
  • Rounders
  • The colour green
  • Candy apples
  • Sunny days

Fish (has a phobia due to an incident)

  • Noisy areas
  • Pressure
  • Peanuts (Allergy)
  • Abandonment
  • 'Richard', most of all

"Hello journal! My name is Ethan, I'm nine years old, I like stars and my best friends are a bear called Barnard, a clown called Bella and a doll called Topsy Turvy!"

Ethan "Button" Everett
Small and slightly chubby
Retro (RW), Victorian-esque (OW)
Unnamed British seaside town
Year 5 student, wanderer













After 9 long years of a rough upbringing, with a blank soul of a mother, absent-minded older twin siblings and a tormenting humanoid called 'Richard', it's no wonder why the world in Ethan's eyes is a distorted world of horrors. Everywhere looks so grey to him, so bleak, until he's chased down by a large floating koi carp and eaten, transporting him to what people over there call "The Other World", where little makes sense, fish roam the skies, entities roam the land and a silent inferno secretly controls the land. But what does make sense is that humans aren't exactly welcome in their realm, and those who enter cease to exist. Luckily for little Ethan, he made friends with a scary-looking but well meaning bear entity named Barnard, who takes him under his wing to protect him from the monster searching for him, also giving him his nickname Button and a small button-shaped trinket which turns into his weapon. After also unexpectedly getting the company of the sailor mouthed, French-speaking clown entity Bella Damned and the conceited, flamboyant doll entity Topsy Turvy, the four of them set on their quest to find who has their mark set on Button....


Due to his young age, and the fact he knows absolutely nothing about defending himself and combat in general, he probably would have disappeared like the other humans that roamed the Other World before him. But thanks to his guides, he's learning how to fight!

As mentioned before, his weapon is the little button pin on his cravat. It originally belonged to Barnard, but he gifted it to him. The pin can turn into any weapon he wishes but because he's attached to it and that he's a rookie, he can only turn it into a baseball/rounders bat with spikes on the top. It's indestructible and controls all of Button's movements. It may seem like the perfect weapon for him, but the contraption isn't used to having him as his new owner and will either jerk him to the side roughly or even turn off completely half way through a fight.

Button is also the fastest out of the group, and the smallest, so he can slip into smaller spaces a lot easier than the other three. He isn't very good at jumping and is quite cowardly and clumsy. I mean, come on! He's 9!


The first guide Ethan meets in the Other World, it's only right they're the closest between the group. Barnard was initially reluctantly to bring him in, but upon realising how young and defenceless he is, he had no other choice. Over time, he grew attached to Button, eventually and essentially adopting him as his own son. The little boy looks up to him as a role model and a father figure, rarely leaving his side. He's the only one who can bring out Barnard's softer side. However, he cowers whenever Barnard is angry. Barnard is also the one who trains Button.


Bella is the second to join the group, and is the one Ethan is least close to. She scares him with her cold scowl and temper. He does try to reach out to her, but when it seems like they're warming up, it falls apart. Bella, on the other hand, isn't very good with kids, despite working in a circus surrounded by kids. But as they know each other for longer, they eventually get close, Bella turning into a mother figure to him. 

Topsy Turvy

Finally, Topsy is the last member to join the group. When they first met, Button was scared of him, because due to a major arc at the start of the story, Topsy posed as a threat originally. But after saving him after another arc, he warms up a little. He gets a little annoyed when he wants to talk to him but can't because he's ignoring everyone and gazing at his own reflection. But when he's not gazing at himself in his many mirrors, he's actually good to get along with, eventually turning into a second father figure to Ethan.

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