Xerohn Alighieri



7 years, 20 days ago

Basic Info


Xerohn Alighieri


Xero, The Ice General, King


Male (He/His)




April 23th


Old-Blooded Daemon

Sexual Orientation


Romatic Orientation







Vineyard Owner, Retired General


Nessiah Kurian


The Nurturer (Mother), The Provider (Father)


Physical Description: Xerohn is huge, standing at a towering seven foot one and has thick shoulders, arms, and is quite muscular. He has silky silver hair neatly brushed and parted to the side and a well-trimmed beard. He is quite pale, has pointed ears, deep brown eyes, and naturally black claws, which he keeps trimmed back. Thick, red chains are carved into his skin and scarred over. In the center of his chest, there is a lock surrounded by different runes. After mating with Nessiah, Xerohn also gains mint green mating marks; three circles on his shoulders, two within the larger, and a line running from the center circle and down his arms. Small arrows point down from the line towards his hands. At the end of the line, a band of mint green encircles his wrist below the band of chains. Xerohn prefers to wear formal human clothes, especially black suits. 

In his true daemon form, Xerohn gains two large black, raven-like wings with thick hooks at the thumbs. Two large horns also protrude from his forehead and curl back, three horns protrude from either side of his jawline, and he gains a thin black tail with a triangular tip. His normal nails also grow into long claws. His pupils also become white.  

In his feral form, Xerohn loses even more of his humanity. Along with the wings on his back, Xerohn gets a similar, smaller pair of wings on his lower back. He gains five tails, each burning with a flame. The horns on his face grow longer. Four more horns also protrude from his forehead, also twisting back, though these are shorter. Between his largest horns, a crown of fire burns. Xerohn gains a ruffle of soft, downy feathers around his neck. He also has a sheath to protect his penis, which is protected and hidden by thick silver hair. His arms have thick black scales with even thicker golden plating over it. His legs are the same. His feet become claw-like and both the claws on his hands and the claws on his feet become gold. Xerohn’s legs also becomes digitigrade. His ears also become larger, more pointed, and stick out further. 

Personality: Xerohn has lived a long life, which has humbled him greatly in most regards. As long as he can do his routine every day, Xerohn is down to earth and calm. He tends to be very gentle and polite to those he meets. Quiet, thoughtful, and careful, Xerohn is a gentle giant for the most part. Despite this, Xerohn worries easily and is quick to turn from warm to cold when angered. He tends to be quite neurotic and can get emotional easily. He thinks in a very black and white manner and can be harsh and ruthless at times.  

Backstory: Xerohn was born ages ago on Earth. He was the fifth child of his parents and the only one to survive. Growing up as a runt, Xerohn was always separated from other daemons due to his need for a routine and being unable to deviate from it. Despite his parents’ efforts, no healer could heal Xerohn’s OCD. So instead, his parents tried to adapt the world to him. Despite the acceptance from his parents, Xerohn was still orchestrated at school and had only one friend; Balquor, who protected him from bullies. Determined to make his parents proud, Xerohn made it to the top of his class and was known for his magical prowess and quick thinking.

When war dawned on daemons, Xerohn signed up right away, still desperate to prove himself and make his parents proud. Though not the best on the battlefield due to his OCD, Xerohn quickly became known as a master tactician and rose through the ranks quickly. Despite his best efforts, Xerohn lost both his mother and father due to the war. 

The first war lead into a second war, one which was the cause for Xerohn to get banished to Earth. Powers stripped from him, he was left for dead in enemy territory. Despite this, with some help from a local family, Xerohn was able to get back on his feet and start a new life on Earth.  

Best Qualities/Strengths: Intelligent, master tactician, physically strong, magically powerful, organized, a great cook, beautiful handwriting, fast reader, polite, gentle
Worst Qualities/Weaknesses: Can’t deal with changes or messes, has breakdowns if he gets dirty, can’t stand any sort of body fluids on him, a control freak, neurotic, black and white thinking, prejudiced, selfish, holds grudges

Likes: Classical music and barbershop quartets, suits, floral teacups, cleanliness and cleaning, writing and calligraphy, poetry, cooking, working out, magic, flying, sunny days, summer, his home, his routines, everything in place, being in control
Dislikes: Messy animals, dirt and grime in general, when his routine gets messed up and change in general, shopping, being in large crowds, having to interact with humans, humans in general, hunters, body fluids, losing control, thinking about the past, bad smells, being sick, hurting others, people who have hurt him or his family, death, funerals, politics, war, being alone

Powers: Can create/control fire, flight, supernatural strength, speed, and endurance, supernatural senses, immortal, can change forms. 


Xerohn has OCD and PTSD. 

Xerohn cries easily 

Xerohn collects floral teacups and cleans them when frazzled and needs to calm down