Li-Jing Xhao



3 years, 2 months ago


glykos / theta / assassin & shrine priest

"Always remember, tradtion is wisdom."
Name Li-jing Xhao
Age 35
Pronouns he/him
Height 5'2"
Species Candyfloss (Sugarfloss)
Clan Delta (Plant manipulation)
    Li-jing is a seemingly normal priest in the Theta region. When he's not at the shrine, he's usually found at his own home. He does prefer living a simple life, taking care of his kids and doing chores around the house. When first talking to him, Li-jing is sly and a bit mysterious. Maybe even a little bit snobby towards some people.
He's a stern believer for tradition, and he dislikes the idea of modernization. Though, he does have his exceptions, it's uncommon for him to have exceptions when it comes to his expectations for his kids.
There's is a shadier side to Li-jing, though. Disappearing for hours on end, phone calls that he simply refuses to admit who he was speaking with. He'd have a million excuses for these things, but after the same excuses over and over, something just doesn't seem quite right.
But that's not such a big deal, because he's just a regular house husband for a regular family.
As for his plant manipulation abilities as a Deltafloss, he's very precise with it. Though he cannot create anything larger than a shrub, he sure can create smaller sprouts and succulents with intricate shapes. He can manipulate the size, and even the direction of its growth to a tee. He doesn't seem to use these abilities for anything during his daily life and yet he somehow still has perfect precision when he does show it off.