


3 years, 3 months ago


Character Name: Coyote

Character Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/they

Character Age: 16 moons

Character Personality:

Coyote is a very secluded individual. He tends to over worry himself at certain points of times, and tends to exert his stress by gardening. He plans on sometime in the future either opening a flower store, or helping someone in a flower nursery. He has high levels of anxiety, and that usually gets in the way of most of his normal day to day tasks. He usually freaks out at the slightest of inconveniences, crying instead of approaching it maturely. He speaks quietly and always apologizes for the slightest mishaps. He puts other dragons before himself. He tends to over exert on helping people, his friends usually go to him for their problems. Furthermore, he tends to dub himself as the therapist friend. But he doesn’t mind this, he actually very much enjoys being there for his friends.

Since he is so caring, he tends to put his morals above the kingdoms rules. He thinks that there is no such thing as a criminal, just people that are misunderstood. Because of this, he has never attended a criminal fight in the arena. As even the thought of fighting upsets him. He never ever wishes any harm on anyone, making him horrible in arguments. He is very safe when it comes to anything unsafe. He tries to do things easier, instead of working harder instead of smarter, he works smarter and safer rather than harder. Coyote tends to stay indoors and keeps to himself. He enjoys his alone time and would much rather people come to his den rather than him going to others. Even with this in mind, he will leave. He cannot bare not seeing the sun for more than 24 hours. He often enjoys long walks on the river bank, flicking his ears to the sound of the water running.

Coyote often stumbles on his words. He had a speech impediment as a dragonet, but got speech therapy as now speaks a little better. He just stutters often, and speaks a little slow and quietly. He says he speaks slow and quietly as he doesn’t want to mess up and say something rude or offensive on accident.

Character Backstory:

//transphobia, ab*se, divorce

Short and sweet, Coyote was born a female and transitioned into male. His parents were not fond of this, ||and degraded him for this. They would yell at him and make him do all their dirty work. He would often sleep outside. He would dream about leaving as soon as possible all the time. This is mainly the reason why he lives in the Sky Kingdom, since he wanted to get as far away from them as possible. Because of all the yelling and arguing in his home, this is why he is so quiet and never engages in fights.||

Coyote grew up with his sister Dawn. Dawn was really the only one there for him. Dawn would always reassure him and treat him better than his parents ever could. Dawn moved out two moons before Coyote did. This greatly affected him, giving him mild separation trauma. He hates being alone, and never wants to be left alone like how Dawn left him. The main reason why Dawn left was their parents ||got in a massive argument, causing them to part ways. Coyote was never discussed in this conversation, and he was left alone for a few weeks until he found his father and lived with him for the last two moons. The reason for the argument Coyote refuses to discuss.||

Shopkeeper or Citizen?: citizen

Additional Notes:

ts; daddy issues / the neighborhood

base by creature

Character Image: