


3 years, 6 months ago



"Some people are just pure magic, that's all" - Ophelia

Ophelia is a rookie witch, studying magic at her academia. She mostly works in shadow work and dark magic.


 FULL NAME   Ophelia Kazan 
 AGE   19 
 D.O.B   12/10 
 GENDER   female 
 PRONOUNS   she / her 
 RACE / SPECIES   human 
 ORIENTATION   asexual & aromantic 
 OCCUPATION   rookie witch 
 LOVER[S]   none 
 STATUS   alive 

Ophelia can come off as very cold and hostile... because she is, she doesn't have time to make friends and all that stuff "weird" stuff she calls it. She wants to stay on top of her class and be a very powerful witch. She's calculated and has a plan for everything, most people in her class do not like her.


  • yes ophelia is named after the hamlet character of the same name

  • she choose dark magic because her mother and father both learned it

  • she is valedictorian of her class

  • her mother is also a professor of the same academia

  • everyone in her family went to the academia for witchcraft







 Delusion of Failures 

Sends the person into a deep state hallucinations, causing them to see their worst fears. This spell can last from anywhere to an hour up to 24 hours.

 Carnage of Phantoms 

Harnessing the energy of the deceased one can create energy to propel energy at your opponent.


Ophelia grew up with both her parents being witches. She was taught to have the best scores and to be a accelerated student. Her parents were very harsh with her about academics and she knew her path was set for her. She had to go into magic just like her parents and grandparents and generations before. Because of this strictness that was placed on her she didn't have time to make friends. Ophelia was shut out of the world and the only people she was in contact with was her parents/family and tutors.

Academic Life

Ophelia is a loner and doesn't want to make any friends. She is the smartest in her class and with her mom also working at the academia she is Ophelia's professor. Ophelia's mom doesn't favor her daughter, if anything she pushes her to work harder and harder and does not go easy on her. Ophelia is not well liked in her class or the school, they think she acts stuck up and to cold. They call her a "ice princess" because she's cold and snooty. Ophelia for the most part ignores them knowing what she's doing will pay off like her parents have prepared her for.

“The question isn't whether magic is real. It's whether I can touch it without being consumed by it.”


NAME | A brief description of their relationship; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

NAME | A brief description of their relationship; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

NAME | A brief description of their relationship; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

NAME | A brief description of their relationship; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.