-Topsy Turvy-



3 years, 3 months ago



Topsy Turvy, or just Topsy or TT, is the third and last member of the group. He's known for being incredibly conceited and sassy, sometimes showing a kookier side and rarely a softer side. He's often seen gazing at himself in one of his many mirrors.

Headcanon voice: Zydrate Anatomy


Topsy is a tall, muscular doll with short pink hair, red button eyes, a long orange nose, a large toothy grin and four arms. His skin is made of porcelain, and the joints, nutcracker chin, and bases of the hands are a slightly darker shade to the rest of his skin. When he was part of Cirque Capricious, he wore a very elegant striped purple suit with a matching top hat, a frilly shirt, red tie, gold epaulettes and grey shoes. When he started travelling with the other three, he sported a plain shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and open at the top, light green waistcoat, black trousers and the same shoes from his old outfit. His weapon, Glass Bijou, takes the form of a long rapier made of glass, the handle covered with swirls.

  • Himself
  • Embroidery
  • Autumn strolls through the woods
  • Himself
  • Mirrors
  • Red velvet cake

Cracking on his body, especially on his face

  • Being told what to do
  • Disapproval
  • Most spicy foods
  • His second pair of arms at times
  • His ex boss and father

"They say mirrors are a gateway to the soul.. what secrets do you hide in yours, darling?~"

Topsy Turvy
Other World equivalent of  British with Latino heritage
Doll Entity (Porcelain/Nutcracker)
Approx 37
Tall and muscular
Victorian suits, vintage
Other World
Circus Magician (former), wanderer (current)
Poly Bi













After being found unconscious in a forest with a large crack on his beautiful head, Topsy has no recollection on who he is and where he came from. The only thing he remembers is being chased down a dirt road, other than his powers and his gorgeous face and body. When he awoke, he found himself in a twisted circus and was forced to join as a magician. He got a lot of attention from all due to how gorgeous he is, this praise feeding into his ego. As much as he loved the presence of his admirers, he felt more comfortable around his only true friend, Bella, the circus' best performer. After years in the circus, and dealing with the ringmaster's abuse, the circus was defeated by a certain bear entity and little kid. Little did he and Bella know, those two would change their fate forever...


Topsy's main power is Vitrikinesis, the ability to create and manipulate mirrors. These mirrors can be made from certain surfaces or from his hands in forms of shards. His other power ties into this: Antanaklokinesis, the ability to manipulate reflections. He can only morph them into what a person is actually like within or their deepest desires. These abilities may seem to be perfect for Topsy, however they have their weaknesses. Firstly, Topsy has a limit on how many mirrors he can make and can only manipulate three reflections a day. Overuse can cause tiredness, nausea and headaches, and even cause him to crack. Speaking of that, Topsy is very brittle due to him being porcelain; every inch of himself is fragile, especially his face, which is unfortunately his favourite aspect of himself. Even a small punch or a fall can break him. Therefore he must be very aware and careful in battle. If he loses some porcelain, he can lose consciousness and even die if the cracks/holes aren't filled in with gold. However, if it's just a few chips, it's the equivalent of getting scratches, cuts or scrapes, and would heal soon enough. Some random cracks could appear and be the same as bruises. Additionally, alongside physical damage, extreme emotions (particularly anger and sadness) can crack him.

Other than his powers, he fights with a glass rapier he can create himself he nicknames 'Glass Bijou'. His blade is razor sharp and doesn't drain energy when he generates it due to its frequent use. He's also quite speedy and agile, but isn't very smart.


Topsy and Barnard weren't close at the start. They began as enemies, but after the Circus arc, they don't interact until after the next major arc. He was the reluctant fourth member of the group and his flirty, vain personality clashed with Barnard's serious and uptight one, but would tolerate each other for Button's sake. Over time they grow closer, sharing an unspoken but mutual liking for each other, which eventually becomes a crush.


Both of them became friends when Topsy first arrived in Cirque Capricious, despite their opposing personalities. Unlike Topsy, who loves himself and is praised for doing nothing, Bella is very self-conscious and seeks approval from everyone through her obsession of corsets and abusing herself to make herself seem beautiful. Despite his vanity, he tries his best to help her feel confident, but him gawking at himself didn't help. But this doesn't stop them from being friends. Or so he thought, as he began to develop a crush on her too.


When they first met, Button was scared of him, because due to a major arc at the start of the story, Topsy was originally a villain. But after saving him after another arc, he warms up a little to the little boy. He finds it annoying when Button tries to distract him from his "Me Time". But over time, he begins to enjoy Button's presence, getting closer and closer and eventually turning into a father figure to him. Topsy vows to never let harm come to Button.

 profile html by Hukiolukio