


6 years, 11 months ago


silken windhound


avery is a very shy yet caring individual. he enjoys spending his time helping others and being around those he cares about. he is very in tune with nature and is a very gentle and nurturing person. despite his shy personality, he is very easy to talk to. he cares deeply for those close to him and is always there for his friends. he spends most of his days exploring or chilling at home


genuine avery is a very truthful and trustworthy individual. he is very upfront and open to others and always wants the best for others

kindhearted avery is a very caring and affectionate individual. he has a very big heart and loves to give back to his community and others

passionate avery is very dedicated and passionate about their interets. once they put their mind to something, they will complete whatever it is. they could ramble about their interests for hours on end

emotional despite his very happy and soft-spoken personality, avery does struggle with his emotions. he tends to get sad very easily from confusion and has a difficult time understanding and managing his negative emotions


plushies avery loves to collect plushies. he has a big collection of plushies and loves to cuddly with them

napping avery enjoys napping and loves to dream and imagine scenarios. he tends to spend a lot of his time sleeping when he isn't with friends

video games avery is also a bit of a gamer. he loves to play games such as minecraft where he is able to explore and be creative with building. he enjoys playing open world games and games that he is able to take at his own pace

winter avery's favorite season is winter. he prefers cold weather and loves to play in the snow. he also is a big christmas fan


avery had a very simple childhood. he was a very shy and reserved child. he enjoyed school and doing schoolwork but didn't have many friends growing up. he was very dedicated to his grades and enjoyed learning new things. when he wasnt working, he would spend his time with his family or out exploring and enjoying nature. he was very satisfied with his simple life and didn't mind spending most of his freetime alone

teenage life

avery's teen years weren't very different compared to his childhood. avery became more reserved as a teenager and ended up switching to online schooling. most of his friends he met online through common interests such as video games. avery was still very dedicated to his schooling and always aimed to get good grades. when he was not studying, avery would spend time with his friends. his favorite pastime was playing video games with his friend group

despite his reclusive nature, avery enjoyed being around his community and giving back. he would do volunteer work every summer and would try to help around as much as he could. during this time, avery started to take up more interests. he got into arts & crafts and would auction the pieces at local fundraisers. he found painting very comforting and used it to express his emotions. he ended up dropping out of high school to persue his love for the arts. even though he was no longer in school, he still enjoyed to learn. he would take art courses to learn about artists and further his skills. he spent the last of his teenage years finding new interests and travelling to see his friends


avery didn't change much as an adult. he has always been very timid and prefers to be around his close friends. he ended up moving in with his boyfriend and decided to try online schooling again. he stopped persuing a career in art as his interets have changed but he still shows his love and appreciation for art and artists

he spends most of his days with his boyfriend and loves to hangout with dakota. he is very much of a homebody now and loves to spend his days cuddling with his boyfriend. when he isn't studying or sleeping, he enjoys to spend his freetime playing video games with his partner and friends still. he isn't much of a nature person anymore but loves to be outside during winter. he loves the snow and cold weather the most. avery has more of a reserved and laid-back personality now and likes to take his life one thing at a time



birthday is febraury 18th

smells like lavender, fresh linen, blueberrie pie

eyes are the same blue as the darker parts/shading on ref

when drawn, his hair covering his eyes is preferred but not a requirement

spots on his face and body do not have to be exact



dakota boyfriend
dakota is avery's boyfriend and closest friend. he is one of the only people that avery truly feels comfortable around. dakota was one of the first people avery ever warmed up to and is his favorite person to be around. avery spends most of his time with dakota and is always eager to be around him


Name Here relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat.Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue.


Name Here relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies.