


3 years, 2 months ago


30 Moons
True Neutral

Very epic quote or lyric.


Within the warrior's world, it's highly unlikely for a cat to be purebred, and Nettlesting is no exception to this. The breeds that he's made up to be is very unclear.
Fur Colour
Black and grey classic tabby, with Pinkish markings

Most of Nettlesting's pelt is dark grey classic tabby, with a few accents of pinkish markings within his pelt. He also has some slight white markings. Nettlesting's pelt is thick and prickly.
Body Shape
Tall and Large

Nettlesting is a large tom, who's very muscular. He is tall and has large paws. He certainly is what a model Guard would look like.
Deep Teal

Nettlesting's eyes are a dark deep teal colour. He often has what is typically called a "Resting Bitch face".
Scars under his pelt

While Nettlesting doesn't have any deep scars. He does seem to have a fair amount under his pelt that cannot be seen.

None as of yet

Astute . Confident . Diciplined

Blah Blah Blah

I'll add soon

Outspoken . Reserved . Cynical

Blah Blah Blah

I'll add soon

Vindictive . Short-Tempered . Unforgiving

Blah Blah Blah

I'll add soon

the lore

The Beginning. . .

Nettlekit was born within MossClan along side his brother Dockkit. The young kittens were born to their parents Brackenstrike and Ravenscowl. For the most part within Nettle's kithood nothing much really happened. The kit's parents would push for the two kits to train hard, wanting them both to be Guards, just like they were themselves. They believed there was no greater way to serve your clan than being a guard, besides from serving as Deputy and Leader. Although Dockkit always wanted to be a Hunter.

The two parents of the kits, would often try and train their kits to give them a heads up for when they would be made apprentices. While Nettlekit seemed deeply invested, wanting to please their parents and be everything they wanted them to be. Dockkit struggled to focus on this training, not wanting to follow the path that her parents layed out for her.

The Middle. . .

Before long it would be time for the kits to be made apprentices, and Nettlepaw was given another Guard to train them. This cat was called Rockscrap. Although much to their parent's dismay, Dockpaw was given a Hunter as her mentor. Their parents tried to get Pumastar to change Dockpaw's mentor, but the leader wouldn't budge.

During Nettlepaw's apprenticeship, they came out as a trans-tom, wanting to take on he-him pronouns, after having been uncomfortable being a molly. All those closest to him accepted this with open arms, and the clan also began to use such pronouns for him.

Throughout his apprenticeship, Nettlepaw helped serve in the battle against TideClan. Although he never understood the war, he knew he had to serve in it for his clan. The tom had been trained to obey orders without question. He was known for being rather outspoken, but often would be shut down, just being told that it was his duty.

The End. . .

Finally came the time for Nettlepaw and Dockpaw to be given their warrior names, Nettlepaw was given the name Nettlesting. Dockpaw was given the name Dockstalk. It was during their vigil, Dockstalk broke the silence where she told her brother what the war was about. That MossClan wanted to take cats from their home in TideClan. Neither one of them could accept this. Disgusted with himself that he had actually faught in this war, he knew he didn't want to be part of a clan that believed this was right.

In the dead of that night, without another word to the rest of the clan, the two would leave for TideClan. The night of their vigil they made it to TideClan. Telling the clan that they wished to join, that they didn't follow MossClan's morals and they wanted to begin a new life within TideClan. The siblings were accepted into the clan. Although much of the clan would be keeping a close eye on the two cats.

For many moons, the two cats served within the clan. And now they are mostly accepted with welcome arms, although there are still some cats that watch the two of them warily. While TideClan is accepting, it still seems that the clan is wary of the cats that came from the clan that they so recently had a war with.


  • Training
  • Keeping Busy
  • Long walks

  • MossClan
  • Getting wet (But deals with it)
  • Rats
Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui.
  • Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui.
  • Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.
code by jiko | front image by artist | moodboard images from website