Rosetta Limone



3 years, 3 months ago


Rosetta Limone

❝ My name's Rosetta...ugh, whatever. Move over.

Rosetta to Narancia.
Rosetta Limone
Anime | Manga
Biographical Information
Japanese Nameロゼット・レモン
Localised NameRosetta Limone
NamesakeRosetta Cutolo (sister of the notorious Camorra boss Raffaele Cutolo)

Limone: "Lemon" in Italian
StandAce of Base
BirthdayJuly 7th, 1983
Zodiac SignCancer
Chinese ZodiacPig
Height168cm (5ft 5in)
Blood TypeA
Hair ColourAuburn one side; bubblegum pink on the other (Digital Color, EoH, Anime)
Eye ColourOrange/Tangerine (Digital Color, EoH, Anime)
Occupation(s)Passione Soldato
Private Tutor
University Student (pre and post Vento Aureo)
Food(s)Cantucci, Nutella sandwiches, Chupa Chups lollipops (Strawberry, Tropical)
Musician(s)Dolly Parton, Britney Spears
Actor(s)Julie Andrews
Liliana Limone (Mother) 
Trish Una (Half Sister)
Dolce Fragola (Adoptive Cousin)
Gabbana Fragola (Adoptive Cousin)
First Appearance
Japanese Voice//INSERT HERE INFO//
English VoiceJamie Marchi
Image Gallery

Rosetta Limone is a side character and eventual ally featured in Vento Aureo. She follows Giorno and Bucciarati in their mission to protect Trish Una. She is a Stand User and uses Ace of Base in battle.


Rosetta is a girl of medium height, mocha skin tone and average build. She has tangerine coloured eyes and two-toned curly hair, one side being her natural auburn and the other a bubble-gum pink. She wears her hair in high pigtails held with blue ribbons and keeps a pair of heart shaped sunglasses in the same colour on her head.

 Her attire consists of a puff-sleeved blouse with lace edging and a bow tied to hold it in place over her chest. Her skirt is a self-modified denim item with flowers and hearts embroidered along the hem; one of the pockets is fake, one isn’t. It’s held up with a pink belt clasped with a heart shaped buckle. She wears light blue legwarmers as opposed to socks, with one of them having a charm bracelet just about looped around it. She wears platform slides with pink faux fur and rhinestone adornments, and her nails and toenails are painted magenta. She usually has a crusty plaster or cotton pad (or both) stuck to one of her knees or elbows to make her look more vulnerable. She’s almost always clutching a scuffed up pink flip phone adorned with a fluffy pink pompom and a lemon keychain; it’s a Chanel model, but it's not well cared for and looks more than a little banged up.


❝ Friends aren't worth shit. They all leave, so you gotta get pleasure out of others some other way. Sex,'s all more fun than whatever friendship is.


Loud and angry; screams her presence from the rooftops, and takes no guilt in killing people who get in her way. She is shown to live a very solitary life and uses sex as her main way of gaining some kind of appreciation from others, leading her to have very few friends and a general distaste for the concept. 

Rosetta's intelligence is comparable to Fugo's (they went to University together, as well), though she likes to play dumb to get what she wants out of men. She enjoys bullying those who aren't as intellectual as herself, though this trait is tempered after meeting her "soulmate", Narancia.

Despite her distaste for forming long-term bonds, Rosetta does have a deep sense of justice and in particular looks out for girls around her age; she cares deeply for Trish immediately after meeting her, and attacks a man on one occasion for no reason other than "he was looking at Trish weird".

Rosetta tends to be incredibly possessive of any person she has managed to get close with, especially romantic partners, detailing an occasion where she stalked an ex girlfriend home to ensure she wasn't seeing other people. She is ultimately a hypocrite in having this trait, however, as she admits to sleeping with others while in relationships on many occasions; she appears to truly not understand how to make and keep relationships of any kind until joining Passione.


Rosetta's knack for the linguistic arts has given her a flair in talking to others to make them do as she wants.

     Main article: Ace of Base

❝ Get the fuck out of our apartment!!
Ace of Base to Fugo.

Rosetta's semi-humanoid, fully sentient Stand introduces itself as Ace of Base, a mid-range Stand with the ability to physically incapacitate with its tentacles and mentally incapacitate to the point of complete insanity with its stare.

It has no distinct cry, but much like Koichi's Echoes Act 3, it has a penchant for foul language and tends to just spew that instead; sometimes it even tantrums if it isn't allowed to do what it feels is right.


Early Life (The Ringing Roses):

The Ringing Roses:

Rosetta's mother worked as a prostitute and high-ranking Stand user amongst Passione, being a personal courtesan to Diavolo and a loyal follower through and through. Rosetta's birth was entirely a mistake, and Liliana frequently attempted to murder her daughter with her Stand Iris and with any other method she could get her hands on; the closest thing to a fatal attempt was when she attempted to drown a two-year-old Rosetta in a nearby river, leaving her to float away through the water when she deemed her to be dead. 

Through a twist of fate, Rosetta survived by a narrow margin, being saved by Marcelo Panettone and his partner Lucca Frangipane and nursed back to some degree of health by the latter's stand ability; she was still dangerously malnourished and looked noticeably awful, so both men silently decided to take the girl in as their daughter. Rosetta was actually named by Marcelo, as her mother never bothered to give her any kind of name; he named her after a famous mafiosa he'd met once, hoping that giving her a strong woman's name would make her strong, too.

Lucca and Marcelo worked shifts at parenting Rosetta, teaching her every skill they'd feel she needed; they eventually had to let her go to school, though she was only there for a month or so before the teachers declared her utterly unteachable because of her self-assured temperament and mafia ties. Out of some kind of spite, Marcelo swore he'd give Rosetta a better education than the stupid school could have ever offered; he fosters her love of reading at a young age, with Lucca helping with things like maths and spelling. For her tenth birthday, Marcelo awkwardly gives Rosetta a copy of the Necronomicon, not bothering to ever check its contents; Rosetta continues to carry it with her throughout her life as a memory of her father's kindness.

Marcelo fights for Rosetta to attend University early, hoping it will give her some edge in life; she manages to get her place at the age of 15, studying literature. Despite her obvious intelligence, the stress of exams and deadlines made Rosetta panic to the point of being unable to show anything for it. She was relentlessly teased for supposedly having bought her way in, leading her to only stress more and have absolutely no friends; it was at some point around here that she met Pannacotta Fugo, who'd initially only offhandedly given her a synonym to use for something while she panicked so much it spewed out as verbal vomit. Rosetta practically begs Fugo to help her with strategies to keep up with her workload, to which he eventually complies, as the anxiety that seemed to overtake the young girl so often was painful to watch; he never realises that the lessons in containing anxiety in the university workplace are carried into Rosetta's everyday life, or how thankful she is for what he perceived to be small lessons. 

A mere year into Rosetta's university education, Lucca was found brutally murdered in the alleyway outside of his, Rosetta's and Marcelo's home; it was linked back to a drug deal he'd failed to comply with, leading his clientele to turn against him and steal his life away as some kind of payment, before raiding the house of anything they could sell for the drugs Lucca couldn't provide. Marcelo swore off of ever selling drugs again, as well as deciding that continuing to keep Rosetta so close to the gang was a danger he couldn't bear; he paid for another year of her tuition and disappeared, changing his phone number and leaving no trace.

Rosetta channelled the traumatic things she'd seen and experienced on that day into an unhealthy obsession with working; she would write and work until she passed out, often going days without eating or sleeping in an attempt to have something to show Marcelo, subconsciously hoping that maybe her hard work could bring him back. She'd hide all of this from Fugo, desperate not to lose the only semblance of friendship she still had, clinging to him like a small child until his expulsion; she completely understood his motives for his violence, but not having him around made her feel a loneliness unlike she'd ever felt.

After her experience with Marino Celini, in which he tells her shortly that she joins Passione or she dies by her mother's hand, she takes the terrifying circumstance as an opportunity; she finds Fugo once again in her destroyed apartment, and begs him to take her to wherever she asks to sign up for the gang. He initially refuses, but eventually Rosetta's desperate begging becomes too much, and he brings her to Bucciarati.

Rosetta promptly throws up after eating the meal Bucciarati kindly bought her, her  stomach not used to food after weeks of almost starvation, and she struggles to even look him in the eyes from the shame, especially as Fugo describes in detail why she is the way she is; but despite it all, Bucciarati helps Rosetta on the path of joining Passione.

After a prompt visit to Polpo (in which he recognises her as Marcelo's daughter, somehow), Rosetta awakens her Stand, Ace of Base, and is welcomed onto Bucciarati's team.

Vento Aureo:

Rosetta is in the bathroom for a lot of the initial scene, apparently due to a wound on her knee somehow reopening (she picked the scab off too early) and absolutely refusing to stop bleeding. By the time she enters the room, blood still dripping from her poorly bandaged injury, Giorno has already drank Abbacchio's piss and she yells for Mista to tell her what had happened to dumbfound everyone so much. To this day, she refuses to believe Giorno drank piss and there is nothing anyone can say to make her believe it. She relentlessly teases Giorno for every little thing he does in their first few interactions, especially after learning from Narancia that Giorno is only 15.

Throughout the boat trip to Capri Island, Rosetta seems incredibly on edge; this is entirely due to her severe fear of water, especially open water, but she refuses to admit it, instead just hiding from the rest of the group to keep her fears hidden. Even when Buccerati goes into detail about the promotion and fortune the group will be finding on this mission, Rosetta's terror of the water leaves her unable to do much more than nod her head. Out of petty irritation, as well as her bone-chilling fear making it difficult, Rosetta refuses to reveal her Stand in the presence of Giorno, instead standing, shaking from head to foot, by the edge of the boat as Buccerati and Abbacchio deal with Mario Zucchero's Soft Machine. She is seen peering around the side of the boat while Narancia begins the Torture Dance, later voicing that she would have joined in, had they not been in the ocean.

The moment they step off of the boat on Capri Island, Rosetta excuses herself to throw up, lying that she'd eaten something bad on the way; she is once again hidden in the bathroom throughout an important exchange, being completely absent from the conversation with caporegime Pericolo. By the time Rosetta finally feels well enough to leave the bathroom stall, Trish is already in said bathroom, and the two women stare at each other with an odd recognition for a moment. Rosetta almost immediately demands that she be Trish's closest bodyguard, a request that the usually self-serving girl would never usually propose; Bucciarati accepts willingly, assuming she feels a pull to Trish because they're both young women. 

Battle with Marino Celini, II

Rosetta is approached for the second time by Marino Celini as she attempts to follow Narancia on his way to get groceries, as she had an immediate feeling that something was going wrong; she is stopped at the door by Celini, who once again seems to teleport her to a random back alley to question her. He speaks idly about his scary amount of knowledge on Trish, as well as the information he has on the people coming to jeopardise her safety; hating how casually Celini can talk about murdering a young woman as unassuming as Trish, Rosetta flies into a rage and attempts to sedate Celini with Ace of Base's stare as she had in their previous encounter.

Prepared for it this time, Celini closes his eyes to avoid the attack, explaining that his own Stand has no actual offensive capability before once again making the two appear in a new, unfamiliar area; she suspects, at first, that this teleportation is his Stand ability and attempts to seize his watch in order to stop him from doing it, but when she grabs hold of it she feels like her brain is going to explode from the white noise of a thousand peoples' lives going through her head. She drops the watch as she stumbles back, ordering Ace of Base to grab it with its tentacles; it does so, but Celini still manages to drag Rosetta through whatever it was to make her land on her face, breaking the bone in her nose.

With blood streaming down her face and the watch still clutched in Ace of Base's tentacle, she harnesses a new aspect of her ability; by clutching the watch, Ace of Base was somehow able to read Celini's thoughts to an extent, suggesting that the watch was in fact an extension of himself.

Throughout this Celini rambles about how selling out Trish would save Rosetta herself, referring gently to the fact that Rosetta's own birth mother wanted her dead for her affiliation with the higher-ups in Passione; this only serves to enrage Rosetta more, with her jumping Celini and clawing at him and spitting in his eyes, holding them open so Ace of Base could use its ability.

She demanded to know what Celini's ability was, but even through all the torture, he refused to explain it or why it made him know so much about Rosetta; realising that he wasn't going to spill any information, Rosetta instead decides to kill Celini outright, letting Ace of Base tear at his brain until he fell quiet, leaving Rosetta to stomp on his braindead body until he was a bloody pile of mush, unrecognisable as a human being even.

Strangely, although Celini appeared to be dead, his Stand ability was still kind enough to throw her out at the door of where her team was staying; this immediately gave her the sneaking suspicion that through some miracle, Celini was in fact alive. She put it to the back of her mind, not wanting to worry the group with her personal issues, instead changing out of her bloody clothes as quickly as she could and pretending she hadn't left at all. Within the pocket of the clothes she changes into, however, she finds something; a playing card stamped with a rabbit. She tries not to question it, leaving it in her nightstand and praying she'd imagined it.

Escorting Trish

Upon Narancia's return and Fugo's argument that Narancia had basically set a smoke signal for La Squadra, Rosetta argues Narancia's side and uncharacteristically agrees with Giorno on the point that the fire was the best course of action. Although she insists she only argued in Narancia's favour because he deserved a fair argument, it's pretty obvious that she was using it as an opportunity to make Narancia appreciate her; this move does seem to work, as the two grow closer throughout the escort mission. Rosetta and Ace of Base seem to clash a lot throughout this arc, making it borderline impossible for Rosetta to engage in battles without fear of something going wrong; she highly suspects that Celini did something to Ace of Base in their encounter, and refrains from battling as she has partially lost control over her own Stand. Rosetta is noticeably less cheerful throughout her issues with Ace of Base as all of her energy goes into fighting with it; she feels like she's completely lost any power she had, and draws into herself, not even commenting on Mista and Fugo ogling Trish's momentarily exposed nipple despite her usually snippy nature about such things. 

At her own request, Rosetta stays within Coco Jumbo's Mr President ability to keep guard of Trish, as well as to keep Ace of Base from battle. Ace of Base's naturally icy cold aura (and body, as its more akin to a body of water than a human being) keeps Rosetta from withering at the hands of The Grateful Dead, and she eventually manages to force it to use this unofficial ability to aid Trish in keeping Narancia from completely withering away. After Mista and Buccerati's defeat of Proscuitto, Rosetta finally corners Ace of Base to try and assess why she wouldn't do anything she said; the Stand explained shortly that it knew this mission was a mistake, so it didn't want to push on with it, because somebody was going to end up dead. Rosetta had to rather firmly tell Ace of Base that nothing was going to stop this mission from going ahead, and that she would protect people; to which Ace of Base simply rolled its eyes, disappearing without explaining anything else.

Rosetta was forced onto watch duty with Narancia while Mista and Giorno acquired the OA disk; she's still noticeably depressed by Ace of Base's words and actions, but being with Narancia seems to cheer her up somewhat, as she does manage to laugh at his reaction to Giorno's oddly angled healing of Mista.

Defecting Passione

Team Bucciarati finally reach their destination, the San Giorgio Maggiore church. The group sans Bucciarati stay behind on the boat; Rosetta grimaces at her reflection in the water, talking idly to Narancia despite the fear swirling inside her. She ponders over what Ace of Base had said, and where it had even gotten the idea that this was a mistake from; she's halfway through a thought when she suddenly forgets what she was thinking about, alerting her that something was most definitely going wrong. When Bucciarati finally returns, announcing that he has defected Passione and that the Boss simply wanted to kill Trish all along, Rosetta is noticeably unsurprised, thanks to Ace of Base's prediction. Rosetta watches as Giorno, Mista and Abbacchio board the boat, hesitating alongside Narancia for a moment; she looks to Fugo, giving him a solemn apology for leaving him before embracing Narancia, and then boarding the boat, speaking softly of her own experiences with a bad parental figure. Upon noticing that Narancia made up his mind to stick with the group and had jumped in the water to swim after them, Rosetta is the one to hold out her hand to help him into the boat, her eyes misty.

Confrontation with Marcelo, I

Once again teamed up to scout the area on account of their Stands' abilities and close relationship, Narancia and Rosetta stumble across a shady figure in an alleyway; both of them jump on the man, pretty certain he was a Passione spy, only the be grabbed by their collars in the cold hands of a Stand. Rosetta gets a good look at the man's face and immediately tells Narancia to back off, explaining quietly that this man is her father. Marcelo drops Rosetta gently, though he immediately leaps into questioning Narancia; his questions are oddly not about anything sketchy at all, and instead about Narancia's relationship with his daughter. Rosetta is forced to interject and say that they were just friends, at which Marcelo drops Narancia with a relieved sigh; he finally says that he's fully aware of what Team Bucciarati had done, swiftly explaining that he himself had defected many years prior, explaining why he'd had to leave Rosetta. He offers his silent support to the group, expressing his pride at how far Rosetta had come (and glaring at Narancia out of some kind of fatherly scare tactics) and he is the one to finally talk Ace of Base back into listening to Rosetta again, with his own Stand mirroring his fatherly role to Rosetta and telling Ace of Base to learn its place. Before disappearing again, he hands Rosetta a playing card similar to what Celini had left behind, giving no further explanation as to what he was doing or if he knew Celini whatsoever. Narancia silently notes Marcelo's face to memory, swearing to convince him he was worth Rosetta's time whenever they next met.

Defecting Passione, continued

While still in Venice, the gang discusses their situation and how they plan on taking down the Boss and his invincible King Crimson while at a restaurant. Rosetta doesn't join in, but takes pleasure in watching Narancia, Mista and Abbacchio beat up a shady passer-by, snickering even more when she realises the guy had no correlation to Passione and was genuinely just a random person. Narancia and Rosetta almost start an argument over whether or not to tell Trish her father betrayed her before Trish appears from the turtle and explains that she's known he betrayed her from the moment she regained consciousness. 

Still in Venice, Team Bucciarati debate what to do. Trish eventually informs them that the Boss met her mother on the island of Sardegna, giving the group a solid lead. At the same time, Passione operatives Tiziano and Squalo stealthily attack the group. Rosetta is certain she feels the beginnings of a strange migraine when Narancia is attacked by Talking Head, with Ace of Base appearing unannounced; with Ace of Base being the way it is, this was nota point of suspicion for anyone except Rosetta herself, whose head only seemed to hurt more as Ace of Base whispered something about Narancia being under attack. It states that somehow it's worked out that every word Narancia is saying is a lie, and that's why Rosetta's head hurts so much; this is the first instance of a form of Ace of Base's mind reading ability, something it expresses it realised it possessed the moment Trish came into their lives. Despite the splitting pain, Rosetta manages to aide Giorno in counselling Narancia into going after the Stand users and allowing herself to be hit with Aerosmith's bullets alongside Giorno so Narancia could keep track of their locations. Rosetta is awake long enough to see Giorno pass the spare tongue to Narancia, working out the blonde's plan and taking a moment to praise him for his actions before crumpling back onto the floor, not entirely passed out but very much not fit for battle. Ace of Base ensures Giorno that they're fine, and that she's just pushed Rosetta a little too hard with an ability she discovered.

Flight to Sardinia

Still incredibly dizzy from attempting to understand her new ability, Rosetta remembers incredibly little of the battle with Notorious B.I.G outside of how cold the water was when she eventually fell into it. After working out that they'd all been saved by Trish's newly awakened Stand ability, Rosetta was completely elated, proud of Trish for fighting for herself. 

When they reach Sardinia, Ace of Base starts playing up again, murmuring that it senses danger; Rosetta actually takes this on board this time, treating everything as suspicious until it could be entirely cleared that it wasn't. Rosetta never actually realised her mother, Liliana's, presence but continually felt her nearby; this was enough to completely distract her from the actual threat at hand, that being Abbacchio being sent to use his Moody Blues entirely by himself. Rosetta is stunned to silence by the sight of Abbacchio's body, the scene being painfully reminiscent of Frangipane's; she echoes Narancia's cries to Giorno to attempt to heal Abbacchio back to health, even though she knows full well there's nothing even Gold Experience could do for injuries like the ones their teammate had endured. She takes Narancia's hand as Buccerati orders the group to keep moving, promising him Abbacchio is in a better place; though she still mirrors Narancia's tearful look back at the body, wondering if her own words were true at all.

Showdown with the Boss

After the confrontation between Jean Pierre Polnareff and Diavolo, Chariot Requiem switches the souls of everyone within the vicinity, including Diavolo, Doppio, Polnareff, and Team Bucciarati. Unbeknownst to even Rosetta herself, the group had been followed by both Liliana and Marcelo, the two of them heavily injured, with Rosetta waking up in the body of her father; she's lucky enough to find that Liliana is contained within the body of a rodent, so she beats it into unconsciousness against the wall so Liliana can't attempt to use her Stand. Rosetta attempts to summon Ace of Base, but it seems even more pent up than usual, practically foaming at the mouth and refusing to listen to even one of Rosetta's commands, commenting that she (as she was in Marcelo's body), had "stolen" her and thus she wouldn't do anything out of fear. Rosetta manages to make it into the Colesseum as Narancia (within Giorno's body) begins talking about his dreams to attend school and go back to his hometown, to which she responds that she wishes to come with him, and he jokes that he'll marry Rosetta as soon as he's old enough; the two promise to stay together, embracing each other for what would soon turn out to be the last time. 

After Mista kills whomever was in Bucciarati's body, presumed to be Diavolo, Narancia is then instantly killed with Giorno's body being impaled on broken and splintered bars. Stunned completely to silence, all Rosetta can do is stare, not able to make the situation make sense at all in her mind; Ace of Base quietly runs its palm along the boy's body, its expression alone telling Rosetta that there was no life left in him. As Giorno surrounds Narancia's body with the flora of  the boy's hometown, Rosetta sheds tears, humourlessly laughing that Narancia could finally meet the nicer one of her parents; she silently prays that Lucca treats him warmly, before being helped up into a tight embrace by Trish (in Mista's body). Trish promises that she'll stay with Rosetta forever in Narancia's stead.

Rosetta, despite Ace of Base's disobedience, makes a desperate attempt to keep Trish safe; Diavolo manages to take complete control of Trish regardless, finally releasing his anger about not just Trish but also Rosetta herself, who is revealed to also be a daughter of the Boss, albeit one presumed long dead. This newly realised fact only pushes Rosetta's drive to get the arrow to Giorno further, as the concept of having a sisterly figure after all of this was over was something she had to live to see.

With the arrow safely in Giorno's hands after Bucciarati's sacrifice, Rosetta can't do more than watch in awe as Gold Experience Requiem comes to be, pummelling Diavolo into the nearby waters; Rosetta shares Trish and Mista's fear that Diavolo isn't truly dead, though is consoled by Giorno's confidence that Diavolo is most definitely dead.

The Ringing Roses Revisited

After returning to her own body, Rosetta is immediately hit with the reality that her mother is now back in her own body, too; she wordlessly rushes back to where the body swap had happened, realising that her mother and Marcelo were already engaged in battle.

After ascertaining that Ace of Base trusted her again, she rushed immediately to her father's side; Liliana is heavily injured by the time Rosetta joins in on the battle, and her eyes are evidently misty with tears. She cries piteously about the loss of Doppio and Diavolo, though Rosetta refused to take this as a reason to stop attacking; she loudly explains that her mother doesn't deserve to cry, that she's the one who put people through pain, all the while Ace of Base's eyes lay solely on the fence where Narancia's body once lay. Rosetta holds absolutely no remorse or guilt for attacking her mother so viciously, taking pleasure in ripping apart the woman who'd made her life hell from the moment she was born. She and Marcelo deal the final blow together, with the elder pulling Rosetta close and crying genuine tears for the first time she'd ever seen; he speaks of how proud he is of her, saying that she was the entire reason he'd been able to keep going after the death of Lucca. 

In her final moments, Liliana breathes some sort of apology before speaking incoherently about how she was going to join her Boss; although the sad reality was that, thanks to Gold Experience Requiem, it was unlikely Liliana would ever set eyes on the one man who'd been kind to her ever again. 

Despite her harsh feelings towards the woman, she took her to be buried in her hometown in Florence; at Marcelo's request, she was put a space away from Lucca, with the man saying he wished to be buried between the two when his time came. Rosetta didn't understand why Marcelo would want that; he never explained his reasoning in detail, but he simply stated that Liliana wasn't born the way Rosetta saw her. Supposedly, as children, he, Lucca, Liliana and a name he seemed pained to even say were the closest of friends; before departing, he told Rosetta firmly to keep those that she loves close, as the world was a truly cruel place to exist in without love. He handed a Stand arrow he'd taken from Liliana to Rosetta, before disappearing into the dark.

Stone Ocean

Rosetta still lives with Trish as of Stone Ocean, and appears in America by chance while Trish is on tour as per her pop star career.

Rosetta initially appears as an important character in the life of her second cousin Dolce Fragola, taking up a role similar to what Bucciarati was for Rosetta herself; she felt immense guilt for not being able to clear Dolce of her crime and thusly decided to sneak in the arrow her father had given her into her meeting with Dolce, eventually helping her awaken her own Stand, Roxette.

Rosetta helps Dolce and Gabbana Fragola with their Stand abilities on their mission to free Natsume Shiobana from Delilah, eventually taking the girl under her wing and giving her the new name of Notte Giovanna, as she was very much aware of Natsume's lineage. She grows close to Notte, inspiring her to follow her own dreams in the world.

Delilah, in retaliation for having her incarnation of Heaven stolen from her, impales Rosetta on the fence of her parish and frames it as a tragic accident; Notte knows exactly what happened, and fights for Rosetta's honour until she, too, is killed in the final events of Stone Ocean.

Rosetta grasps a ghostly hand as her own spirit ascends; Notte supposes it must be Narancia's.


Giorgia's Bizarre Adventure (Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies AU)

Toys in The Attic, I 

An around 30-year-old Rosetta appears briefly alongside Narancia at their daughter, Melagrana's, memory of her 10th birthday celebration. She recognises Melegrana's ability to seemingly move toys with her mind as a Stand ability, but comes to an agreement with Narancia to let the girl explore what her ability does by herself.

In the beginning of current day, Rosetta is accompanied by Narancia's Aerosmith desperately trying to find where Melagrana disappeared to, using Ace of Base to attempt to sense her daughter's thoughts while Aerosmith searched for oxygen signals. Melagrana is eventually found nearby the home of Bianca Bucciarati, supposedly trying to use her ability to impress her friend; she's hastily dragged home by Rosetta and gets told to never sneak out without permission again, being warned of the kinds of people that hide around at night.

Melagrana talks at length about how she doesn't have issues with her parents, but that her mother's Ace of Base scares her; the Stand itself yells from the other room that Melagrana should respect it. 

Ocean Colour Scene!

Appears briefly to congratulate Giorgia Giovanna on finally awakening her Stand.


Family (Blood and Adopted)

  • Marcelo Panettone: Marcelo takes proud position as Rosetta's father, teacher and protector; he'd never say it aloud, but he's immensely protective of the girl he raised from nothing. He taught her street skills, warning her vehemently about the dangers of drugs from a younger age than many would deem necessary. He's an incredibly stoic man, but his relationship with Rosetta is as close as it could be without outward affection. After the death of Lucca, he sees how dangerous it would be to keep Rosetta at his side so selfishly; so after making sure her accommodation was the best in all of Naples, he told her he had to leave her to continue with his work, giving her the vast majority of the money he had as he departed. Rosetta understood, though she still finds herself searching uselessly for Marcelo's face amongst the crowds no matter how hard she tries not to; the money she was gifted was passed over to Bucciarati when she joined his group, as she knew supporting family, blood or otherwise, is what Marcelo would have done.

  • Lucca Frangipane: Despite being a male, Lucca takes the role of mother; he's probably the reason Rosetta seems to be so spoilt as a near adult, as he'd shower her with praise at every opportunity. Luca was also the one to teach Rosetta her academic skills as well as getting her into the University she attends; after his passing Rosetta works herself as hard as she can to make herself someone he could be proud of. They were incredibly close, with Rosetta even copying some of her outfit leitmotifs from the man out of respect. Lucca's death had close ties to some kind of fallen-apart drug deal, which only furthered her resolve to rid the world of such things.

  • Liliana Limone: Liliana fell pregnant entirely by mistake by a man she's too fearful to mention; she hid the pregnancy well, and continued to hide Rosetta after she was born during her intimate appointments with the girl's father. Initially she'd simply ignore Rosetta's existence, leaving her to find her own way as soon as she was capable of comfortably walking and speaking by herself, sometimes using her as a wall to barrage with her pent up anger; but upon hearing through the grapevine of the man's want to have no ties that may reveal his identity, Liliana was quick to begin her attempts to outright kill her daughter, with apparent success occurring after holding Rosetta's head under the nearby river's water until the bubbles stopped. In current day, Liliana is blissfully unaware that Rosetta survived, her tiny, waterlogged body being rescued by Panettone and Frangipane.

  • Trish Una: Though they don't initially know why, Rosetta and Trish feel an unspoken pull towards each other from the moment they meet. Rosetta demanding to be assigned as Trish's bodyguard was an incredibly out of character move, as she usually whined at the idea of protecting anyone but herself, but Bucciarati allows her to do as she demands; his thought pattern was that the simple fact they're both girls, thus why Rosetta felt so passionate about the situation, but Rosetta was never a person to do something just because of gender similarities. Trish's spoilt asking for things and Rosetta's vehement stubbornness to do as she was told initially made them argue a lot, but they eventually overcame their differences and formed some kind of friendship; they'd share CDs and on rare occasions, Rosetta would let Trish restyle her hair from its usual pigtails. Rosetta made a point of being as open about everything as Bucciarati would let her be, speaking in detail about her adoptive fathers' positions in the mafia and how they were perhaps the most benevolent souls she knew, and how they treated her like a princess despite their hardened natures. After Bucciarati's battle with the Boss, and in turn the reveal that his true intention was to kill Trish, Rosetta finds herself following Bucciarati to rebel against the Boss before she can even speak a word; the whole situation is an even more dramatic version of her mother's attempts to kill Rosetta herself, so rebellion was, in her mind, the only option.

  • In the regular canon, Trish insists that she and Rosetta stay together post Vento Aureo; she's learnt by this point that Rosetta is her half sister, so Trish becomes determined to welcome the previously rather estranged girl into some kind of regular family. Though Rosetta initially refuses it, Trish practically forces her to use some of the money she's made from being a pop star to go back to University and finish her literature degree. Both girls eventually refuse to use the term "half-sister", referring to each other as full-blooded siblings; they're an incredibly close pair, knowing every tiny little detail about each other, and so little technicalities of birth matter little in the grand scheme of their relationship.

  • Dolce Fragola: Rosetta's second cousin and perhaps the person she's proudest of in all the world. Rosetta, upon realizing how completely useless Mona was as a mother, temporarily left where she was staying with Trish to make an attempt to help Dolce avoid prison; she attended the trial and still regrets not fighting hard enough to keep the girl free. Out of this regret she takes the Stand Arrow she stole from her mother, Liliana, and stabs Dolce with it to awaken her Stand, Roxette. Roxette is noticeably the only Stand in the entire series that Rosetta's Ace of Base is kind to, reflecting Rosetta's deep desire to protect Dolce from the evils the once-Mafiosa knows the world holds. 

  • Gabbana Fragola: Gabbana's endless naivete when it comes to getting his sister out of prison initially amuses Rosetta, but her amusement only led the boy to doing even dumber things, so she eventually had to stop laughing at it. Throughout the course of Stone Ocean Rosetta practically adopts Gabbana, with him following her every move like a puppy; he's harmless, at the end of the day, so she treats him kindly and enjoys his company.


  • Bruno Bucciarati: TBA

  • Leone Abbacchio: TBA

  • Pannacotta Fugo: They're both academics, but they butt heads over their points of focus; Rosetta finds law utterly uninteresting, and Fugo finds the occult literature Rosetta obsesses over to be unbelievably strange and rather useless. They were at one point in a similar academic environment, and Fugo distinctly remembers seeing a younger Rosetta fussing over the semantics of an essay; he offhandedly gave her a synonym for something or other, not realising that this would eventually lead to having to have a look over every damn thing she wrote because nobody else had tried to help her out before. As he only remembered her as a childish, stressed student, Fugo tends to be protective of Rosetta when she initially joins Team Bucciarati and firmly insists she continue with her academic work to at least a small degree; Fugo continues to assess Rosetta's work just as he does Narancia's, sometimes making one check in with the other about how their work is progressing. Rosetta affectionately calls Fugo "Panni", and sometimes he'll call her simply "Rosie" in return.

  • Narancia Ghirga: As Rosetta knew Fugo previously, she got forced together with Narancia as a secondary tutor and unofficial classmate more frequently than either can recall. Initially Narancia got annoyed that Fugo's attention was on a newbie, so he actively attempted to sabotage her work, but their handwriting styles were such polar opposites that Fugo almost immediately realised what was going on; the two ended up being sent on missions together to try and form some kind of bond, and they bickered endlessly at first before finally becoming friends over shared past experiences. Rosetta tries her level best to keep up Narancia's education when Fugo's busy, but they always seem to end up just laughing about something or other instead; in one of these failed lessons the two end up becoming romantically involved, and though they try to keep it a secret for safety's sake, both of them are terrible at subtlety and the rest of the gang soon figure them out. Rosetta and Narancia both promise to return to education as soon as they've dealt with the Boss, Narancia even saying he'll take up literature studies to more fully understand why Rosetta enjoys it so much; but Narancia doesn't survive the ordeal, leaving Rosetta alone. In the regular canon, she never pursues a romantic relationship again after the death of Narancia.

  • In the Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies AU, Rosetta and Narancia both return to their respective schools, living together in the home Marcelo bought and kept in Rosetta's name. They get married on the day Narancia officially graduates, having passed the majority of the necessary exams under Rosetta's tutelage. They later have a daughter, Melagrana Ghirga, who ironically goes on to be an incredible mathematician. 

  • Guido Mista: Mista called Rosetta pretty when she first joined Team Bucciarati, but learnt quickly enough that even casual flirtatious comments like those were enough to trigger her anger, so he resorted to just treating her like a guy, which Rosetta much prefers. They often casually discuss inane things, like whether vegetarians would wear leather products or if people would taste good, and they generally enjoy each other's company, but Rosetta's anger towards Mista is still piqued whenever he attempts to ogle at Trish or tease Rosetta for her relationship with Narancia.

  • Giorno Giovanna: Giorno is, in Rosetta's eyes, visible proof that she isn't a newbie anymore; she's no longer the newest member of the group, and she takes great joy in passing the baton of "newbie" to Giorno, teasing him relentlessly for every tiny little thing. His lack of a reaction gets to her at first, mostly because she feels embarrassed that she responded so aggressively back when it was her in that position; Rosetta is initially very much allied with Abbacchio when it comes to Giorno, vehemently refusing to give him the time of day out of some kind of prideful spite. Giorno offhandedly states in an early meeting with her that he's never met a girl like Rosetta before; she takes it as an insult and nearly breaks Giorno's wrist, only stopping her violence when Mista insists Giorno meant it kindly. A semblance of a bond begins to form over literature of all things, with Giorno slipping Rosetta some novel she was looking for; she very much saw this as a peace offering, and they eventually began talking about past experiences, namely why Rosetta was so hesitant of Giorno. He understood entirely, taking no offense to her previous actions and allowing them to start a friendship as if the previous nastiness had never happened.

  • Jean Pierre Polnareff: TBA

  • Natsume Shiobana/Notte Giovanna: While Rosetta initially sees Natsume (later Notte) as nothing more than a lazy brat mooching off of her adoptive mother, when the falsehoods of the girl's identity begin to unravel, Rosetta immediately makes Natsume and her potential Stand top priority, partially terrified that she could face something akin to Golden Experience and partially horrified at the hell Natsume had been forced to endure to become a "vessel of Heaven" for her mother. Natsume's Bad Moon Rising was, as feared, a Stand as powerful as Giorno's; but by the time the girl had felt comfortable enough to reveal it, she and Rosetta were no longer enemies. 

  • In Natsume's arc, "I, Notte Giovanna...!!", her hair turns a golden blonde and, with this new look and a lust for a new identity, Natsume asks Rosetta what her supposed brother is called; at Rosetta's suggestion, she takes the name Notte Giovanna, and the two build a sisterly bond similar to what Rosetta shares with Trish.


  • Marino Celini: Marino was, from the moment he came into Rosetta's life, the most bizarre figure she'd ever experienced. A man of tiny stature with a rabbit on his head, parroting that he knew of where good things could occur and where they couldn't; she initially tried to battle him into silence, but upon realizing he possessed no Stand and had no ties to anything, she backed down out of moral obligation. He held no malice towards her even after being attacked, quietly pointing her in the direction of Bucciarati before disappearing entirely, as though he had never existed to begin with. In the regular canon, Marino reveals his ability post the death of Narancia, and upon realizing he had the full capability to save her friends and didn't, Rosetta attempts to kill Marino; but he further reveals it would be impossible for him to die at this time, as in reality, he shouldn't even have been born until twenty-four years after the events of Vento Aureo. For the rest of her mortal life, Rosetta resents Marino for not saving lives he had the full ability to protect; she cares little for his reasoning as to why. Marino was working closely with Rosetta's mother, Liliana, but truly wanted the girl to survive the ordeal; he sent her Bucciarati's way to keep her safe, though she'd never give him any credit for that. He knows he indirectly let her friends and the love of her life die; he'll shoulder the guilt and hatred she holds towards him endlessly. He knows he likely deserves it.

  • Diavolo: TBA

  • Her Stand, Ace of Base, is closely based on the Lovecraftian horror, Cthulu. Rosetta also happens to be rather passionate about Lovecraft's work and is seen writing an essay on the presentation of Nyarlathrotep in her first appearance, an outer God from the Cthulu Mythos.

  • Her VA also voices Panty from Panty and Stocking, a character that I actually drew a surprising amount of inspiration for Rosetta's character from! I will not state which of Panty's traits I took, though...

  • Rosetta is stated to be a polyglot in Stone Ocean, speaking English and Japanese alongside her native tongue of Italian. Her English is notably more proficient than Dolce's, and she often has to help her with translating from Italian to English.

  • "Rosetta" is actually the culmination of a LOT of Jojo OCs I've had over the years. Her hairstyle, fashion sense and Stand ability are all taken from chunks of long since unused OCs.



"I don't fuckin' care what Marcelo's tellin' me to do anymore! I wanna do what I want, what I think is right--and for that, I need to become a gangster!"
-Excerpt of Rosetta's plea to Bruno.

"Vegans are, like, super vegetarians right? What the hell do they make cake 'n shit out of if they can't eat eggs...or milk!? God, they're living some kinda nightmare!"
-Rosetta chiming in on Mista's conversation about vegetarianism.

"Stop 'em dead, Ace of Base! Hell yeah!"
-Rosetta commanding Ace of Base.

"My mom tried to drown me as a kid. Guess dad--uh, Marcelo--found my ugly little body and took it in for some reason. He's trained me to do this shit since I could walk, 'cause he knew keeping a lil' girl in his hideout was dangerous...but when he left, I guess he thought I wasn't good enough, 'cause he signed me up for a school instead of workin' alongside him. Either way, I'm here now, and I'm gonna find that beautiful bastard if it kills me!"
-Rosetta about her past with her adoptive father, Marcelo.

"Trish is my sister--that man is my father, too, and I wanna make sure he feels the pain of the shit he put me through! Those years stuck inside--not being able to do anything...I'm coming with you, Bucciarati!!"
-Rosetta chooses her path.


"Don't talk about death so lightly--when you lose someone that really matters to you, someone you feel your soul is bonded to beyond understanding...a part of you dies along with them. It's the worst pain a human can experience,'ll never get to see them graduate, or achieve their dreams, or continue their life together with you...excuse me. Sorry."
-Rosetta in response to Natsume's opinions on murder and death.

"Dolce?! You're alright, right? Oh god, you're fine, please say you're fine--oh! You just recieved a Stand ability? Thank god, I was beginning to think I'd killed you..."
-Rosetta after stabbing Dolce with the Stand Arrow.

"Narancia...heh, I missed you, my aeroplane boy..."
-Rosetta's last words.


"Ace, I've told you a million fuckin' times--Panni is a friend! A friend! An--argh!"
-Victory quote against Fugo; Ace of Base tries to kill Rosetta lol

"I looked a complete mess in front of Nara--why do you always have to overreact, Ace?! I really wanted him to think I was cool--ow! Stop pulling my fuckin' hair!!"
-Victory quote against Narancia; once again, Ace of Base gets mad for no apparent reason dot png

"Holy shit, you did great! I mean, uh--we did great-- yeah, there's two of us...not just you...shit..."
Victory quote when teamed up with Narancia; strong mafia lady becomes shy anxious mess for one orange and only one orange

"So, uh--if we asked consent to eat this bastard, would that be vegan?"
Victory quote when teamed up with Mista; they will not let this point go

"Huh, I feel like I know you somehow...our eyes are the same..."
-Part 5 Rosetta to Dolce.

Profile by Erandia