Corvus Morandi



3 years, 6 months ago


Corvus Magpie Morandi, "The scout"

Born: 1947

Age: 11 in 1958, 16 in 1963

Height: 5'1 in 1958, 6'0 full grown

Orientation: Pansexual

Star Sign: ??????

Corvi is the youngest son of Lionel, and the most skittish as well. As a kid, he practically lived with his best friend Giovanni and his mother Kayla.
He's a very bright young kid, and is very close with both his older brother Caelius an his little sister Ruby. Although Lilibet raised him for the first five years of his life, he's much closer with Kayla. He still does call Kayla 'mom' though, and Josefina 'mother'. 

He collects and restores old plague doctor masks and has an entire plague doctor outfit of his own.
As an adult he works for a while as a bartender and eventually becomes a forensic coroner alongside Pete and Giovanni.
Fun fact: He smells like alcohol, leather, and rubber ducks

I should preface this bit by saying, an incest kink runs in the family,
Corvus was never assaulted by his father, however does take to messing with his siblings when he's older.
However, he was attacked and raped by his half-brother Silvio Glass, making him feel unsafe in the manor, especially since Silvio was still allowed to come by when he was in-state.
Caelius walked in on the assault and attacked Silvio, gaining his throat slash. Corvus blacked out at the sight, and only remembers waking up in pain in his mother's arms a few hours later. After this, Lionel allowed him to move in with Kayla and Vani permanently, however he was always welcome back home or into any of their other buildings as he pleases.
As a teenager, Corvus finds he has a thing for feathers and for watching birds mate, his friends will jokingly call him bird fucker. He has never, and will never fuck a bird: "That's just HORRID!"
He does sleep with Lionel consensually as his older brothers do, and of course he sees his brothers (and sisters) as well, but both only as a teenager and adult.