White Lily and Allueh



7 years, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Both are fair skinned and golden-eyed, with dark curling stripes that spread out from their spine and curl around their bodies. Lilly has waist-length silver hair with long bangs that fall over one side of his face, and Allueh shorter, dark hair with a single long piece by his face. Allueh is also smaller and a bit daintier than the other.


Lily is prideful and dislikes being touched without permission. He is distrustful of humans and protective of Allueh. Allueh is curious and prone to wandering, always intrigued by new things and without much of a sense of danger. However, he also has quite a temper when things don't go his way. Both have very animalistic mannerisms, and hate to be confined.


Neither of them particularly care for clothing, though they can be coaxed into something light and soft so long as it isn't confining. Lily is easier to convince than Allueh. Both of them are comfortable around humans and wander in and out of the temples as they please. They enjoy sleeping curled up together, and dislike being touched without permission. Lily in particular is aggressive towards those who bother Allueh.


They are stronger and faster physically than humans, and have keen minds. Speech is difficult for them, but their bodies are their language. They have a resistance to most magic.


Beings like this have appeared occasionally throughout history, always male, always without apparent origin. They are usually in this one stretch of forest, and so two temples were built at either end to observe and protect them.

For the first time in centuries, there are two, still both males and so no hope for offspring, but they are close and give each other companionship and affection. The priests of the temples watch over them and do their best to keep them safe and content, and their existence secret from other countries that might wish to capture or harm them.

A mythological country, quite a ways in the past. Clothing and traditions are Chinese and Arabian influenced with a mix of my own ideas.