


3 years, 2 months ago


Is it really that much of an issue? Chill out!

Freaks- Surf Curse


The Oblivious Kitty




52 moons






The Mirror

Know Thyself.

  • kind
  • hard-working
  • energetic

  • clingy
  • stubborn
  • intense

  • jumpy
  • abrupt
  • disobedient

At first notice, or the first time he's heard throughout the camp... Dogbanewhistle is a handful of a cat. Darting around the clearing at first light, starting his duties early like the early-bird he is. His loud, obnoxious voice can be heard even if you're still in your den, where he talks to other cats, laughing and joking. Even with his loud and slightly annoying voice, he is very hard-working. Trying and managing to prove his strength to his clan where he works himself to the ground. With his effective working and charming personality, he may as well show his skills, even with how humble he is about them. Of course, he brags at times, but not constantly! His observant mind is always keeping a look out for any drama going on around him, so if you need someone to talk to, to hear the juiciest of things going on in camp... Go to Dogbanewhistle! He's just waiting to tell others. And as a positive or annoying add on to this, he is witty and humorous, always making attempts at being funny to cheer cats up with his stupidly amusing jokes. In fact, his jokes aren't good... at all. But the jokes are just so stupid, you may laugh only at their stupidity- or you laugh at Dogbanewhistle laughing at his own jokes, of course. He is also startlingly active and energetic, able to do his duties very quickly and without protest! Though... Maybe not doing them in the order you wanted him to do it in.
With his active and positive personality, of course there is a neutral. Dogbanewhistle is extremely clingy to the cats he likes to hang out with, always following extremely closely with them or turning to make sure they're still following him. Afraid of losing cats he sees as friends or close ones, he really just tries to be close to them as possible, but can be overly clingy if you don't tell him to tone it down! He is a bit stubborn though... or rather, not just a 'bit'. He doesn't want to get his life into a routine, so you giving him orders to do over the span of a week or multiple days... won't go so well. Always he ends up skipping over tasks even with how hard and fast he works, or he goes out for some night hunting! Though his awkward social skills make him look silly, especially when he's called out for skipping tasks! He often stumbles across his words when he doesn't have a conversation to start bouncing off of, or if he runs out of things to talk on and on about- it is very noticeable when this happens, as often he stops talking or trails off and thinks of things to say. Though this is easily balanced out by being very ambitious- whether that be good or bad. He wants to be different to other cats, not follow the exact rules, and just in general live a great life... A great life in his eyes, as it's not the same for every cat. But, with ambition, comes how intense he is. He doesn't want, he needs. Always refusing to do things the 'regular' way, he is intense with his wants to be different and cool. And adding onto that... He isn't easy to predict. He goes on random spurts about things, and it's not often he sticks to one theme in conversations.
Though, everyone has negatives... right? Dogbanewhistle himself even has them. He's jumpy, for starters, often startled by many things. It looks funny, really, but it can lead to him getting a bit frustrated and angry! He also isn't one you should trust with secrets, as he's unable to keep them when he's talking to other cats, even more so if they're his age. He just can't help but talk about your secrets, whether they be huge or just little. He's also very abrupt, bringing things up at the randomest of times, which can lead to embarrassing moments when he's supposed to be silent, like at a gathering. He is also cantankerous, especially when he simply refuses to cooperate and stirs up unneeded drama because he simply refuses to do something. With this, you can easily group him into the word ''disobedient'', as often he doesn't really care if he should be listening!


mbti (content)















Lone Wolf

  • content
  • content
  • content

  • content
  • content
  • content

  • content
  • content
  • content

  • content
  • content
  • content

  • Write a trivia item here. This box will grow with content.
  • You can add as many as you want, the boxes should adjust on their own. If something looks odd, try adjusting the padding or the margins of this box and of the history box.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Chapter Zero: Prologue.

A Subtitle, If You'd Like.

First letter of the whole chapter, cue all the rest. This code is kinda geared towards characters with a lot of info, so the more you write, the better! This section is meant as a tl;dr, a short summary, or simply a prologue, but you can change this to your liking. You can also add as many paragraphs as you want, or even more sections! The world is yours, if you want it to be.

Chapter One: Title.

A Subtitle, If You'd Like.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur gravida neque sed libero pellentesque dapibus. Integer feugiat erat est, in sodales arcu bibendum vel. Suspendisse sem felis, lacinia eu consequat quis, venenatis vel leo. Fusce euismod enim eu ipsum pretium, nec semper nisl fringilla. Curabitur sollicitudin quam eu eros sagittis feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec interdum tristique magna, et luctus felis congue quis. Quisque lobortis diam ut massa varius porttitor. Mauris venenatis tempus leo, posuere facilisis lorem vulputate sed. Aliquam blandit neque et eros imperdiet, ut dictum ante vehicula. Fusce in purus in felis sagittis dignissim vel quis urna. Aliquam in dui lorem. Curabitur a facilisis ipsum, eget sollicitudin neque. Vestibulum nec odio lorem.

Suspendisse quam tortor, commodo vel consequat quis, euismod id elit. Aliquam vitae velit a arcu varius venenatis eu a mauris. Donec accumsan facilisis dolor a facilisis. Phasellus nec aliquet magna, eu facilisis neque. Morbi mollis nulla vel metus faucibus faucibus. Donec turpis diam, bibendum ut mollis ut, condimentum pharetra nulla. Ut lacinia metus sit amet lacus venenatis convallis. Proin consequat odio non posuere iaculis. Nullam consequat, diam a mattis fermentum, justo erat egestas ex, eu porttitor mauris nisi et ipsum. Integer consequat neque nibh, tempus lacinia arcu aliquet at. Vestibulum gravida tempor ante vel efficitur. Curabitur sollicitudin quam in odio hendrerit, id feugiat magna malesuada. Aliquam vel quam quis ex vulputate malesuada. Cras viverra nunc quis nisi laoreet dapibus.

Chapter Two: Title.

A Subtitle, If You'd Like.

Nam fringilla tristique tellus, quis congue mauris lobortis nec. Praesent consectetur odio quis libero convallis, vel aliquam lorem dapibus. In sed sagittis nulla. Donec consequat lectus vitae fringilla eleifend. Vestibulum aliquam venenatis nisl. Phasellus feugiat, quam vel hendrerit convallis, sem risus ultrices velit, sit amet porttitor tortor felis eu dui. Phasellus mollis augue dui, ut maximus magna tristique in. Sed vel est vel sem varius malesuada non egestas erat. Mauris efficitur odio laoreet nisi vehicula, eget aliquam metus sollicitudin. Quisque at mollis tellus. Quisque porttitor sagittis eros, ac fringilla turpis vehicula nec.

In commodo mollis enim eu dignissim. Donec ornare arcu non eros volutpat, in accumsan neque placerat. Aliquam nec semper tellus. Phasellus bibendum feugiat purus sed fermentum. Praesent eleifend ipsum eu purus suscipit efficitur. Cras leo lorem, sollicitudin eu vulputate vitae, fermentum sit amet metus. Donec sit amet quam nec sapien sollicitudin aliquam. Nam justo lorem, tincidunt et turpis vitae, luctus rhoncus metus. Sed volutpat turpis eget rutrum euismod. Maecenas nunc purus, ultrices ut efficitur non, faucibus eu lectus. Phasellus eu viverra nunc, a fermentum diam. Nulla facilisi. Donec sit amet lacinia mi.

Chapter Three: Title.

A Subtitle, If You'd Like.

Curabitur ac felis vel nisl sollicitudin condimentum commodo eu tellus. Sed sodales nisl sapien, nec condimentum neque dapibus a. Morbi ac ligula nunc. Etiam ante quam, malesuada blandit nunc et, sodales pulvinar sem. Vestibulum nec leo tincidunt, efficitur lacus non, maximus risus. Praesent vel accumsan elit. Aliquam condimentum nunc eget ornare scelerisque. Vivamus augue est, tincidunt eu mollis ac, vehicula eget neque. Pellentesque non nulla quis orci ullamcorper fringilla vitae at ante. Quisque venenatis pellentesque justo, vitae vestibulum felis fermentum vitae. In ultrices mi lacus, et molestie magna egestas vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas ullamcorper ex neque, ut venenatis purus condimentum in. Donec facilisis lectus in lacinia molestie.

Lovers tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Family tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Friends tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Acquaintances tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Strangers tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Enemies tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.




Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Character Name



Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.