


3 years, 2 months ago


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Name: Grasspaw

Future Names: Grasslemon

Age: 8 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Male (he/him)

Clan: Swampclan

Rank: Apprentice

Orientation: Demiromantic Homosexual, Polyamorous

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: Claypaw(brother)

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Being a littermate of Claypaw's, Grasspaw too experienced a sense of distance from his mother. Although not experiencing it as much as Claypaw had been, he nonetheless noticed his mother's sense of motivation diminish. Now, he either checks in with Claypaw or fiddles with his paws figuring out how to spend his time in camp. He isn't nearly as motivated as others in his clan, and can't seem to find an aspiration aside from the sweet idea of lounging about, of course safely away from any toothy reptiles!

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 Personality: A friendly and very approachable tom, he is a sweetheart who doesn't always know how to behave socially. More used to isolation, he's grown comfortable being alone, and has especially found solace when alone in the apprentice den. He finds his lemon-scented and freshly-cut grass-scented spot very comfortable, especially since he doesn't have to worry about gators and such tucked away in the den. Even though he has always known bout the reptiles in the water, the stories he's heard from them petrify him quite a bit. Lots of the time, he likes exploring the most on solid ground, and very frequently snags some lemongrass fronds for his fur. It is an incredibly messy display, but he likes how it makes his fur look nonetheless! He's certainly not the smartest apprentice out there, but he does know how to be a kind soul!

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