


7 years, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Wallace Laux








A Personification of my wallet to encourage me to spend wisely. It doesn't work. But they're still cute.

Wallace is a personal pocket accountant, developed to aid humans with their spendings.

Wallace has a habit of constantly checking the bank account even if there has not been any expenditure on the human's part. In a way, they have become paranoid due to an extremely traumatic event. They had lost about $300 without explanation, and they never got closure to the mystery. They and their human were also on an overseas trip, which made matters worse. The human was more puzzled than upset, but Wallace still beat themself up about it for the rest of the trip. However, since then, not a single cent has passed through the account without Wallace's knowledge.

Wallace is also responsible for weighing the pros and cons of a purchase and deciding if it is a worthy buy. However, their human tends not to listen to their advice, which irritates them. They try their best to reason with their human, and often turns into a frantic, pleading voice of reason and common sense. The worst examples of this situation are during Steam sales. Wallace may set a budget of $30, but the human usually spends over 4 times that amount. Wallace can only scream in agony.

Wallace has developed a hoarder's personality due to their human's thrifty habits. They treasure every cent that gets added to their account, since earning money is a rare occurence for their human. They also feel actual pain and mental torture when their human decides to spend a lot of money at once. The only time they tolerate large spendings is if they were told beforehand by their human that they were saving up for a particular purchase. Unfortunately, they deal with more impulse buys than actual savings goals. 

Wallace is only able to be functional if there is over $20 in the account. Any lower and Wallace goes into a sort of hibernation mode. This function serves as a wake-up call or warning to the human. During this time, Wallace is essentially "dead". It motivates Wallace to prevent this incident from happening. And fortunately, their human is compassionate enough to stay safely away from a situation like that (though their actions imply otherwise).


  • Ned O. Pami - Wallace was aquainted with Ned when their human began using online transactions and internet banking. Ned handles the online stuff. They like Ned but gets anxious whenever they get the notice that he is coming to pick up some money for a transaction. Ned sympathizes with them.
  • Human - Wallace is always on the fence on whether or not their human is likeable. Their human loves them.