


7 years, 3 months ago


 Hazel is jackalope because of latent magic in her blood. Among  lapines it can be a sign of promise or an omen. Hazel’s  clan/warren/family are not a close-knit group and live far apart from  each other, unlike other groups of lapines. However they still keep in  touch, and every member are traditionally some kind of book keeper.  Librarian, bookstore owner, music store, anthropologist specializing in  ancient stories, etc. Hazel herself is the book keeper for an antique  store that specializes in books run by her family. Also, an author.  She’s more interested in creating new stories than trying to preserve  any of the past. She sees past stories as springboards to build off of  creatively not worship as the end-all-be-all of stories.

Little does she know, her family is cursed.  Cursed to be chained to preserving knowledge. They are compelled to  preserve the past and linger there, never able to move forward. Those  born with signs of their magic like Hazel essentially have the curse  broken. They are old souls but they are not compelled to linger in the  past the way the others are. Cursed to preserve...stories in general. Fables. No one is sure where the curse came from, for no one remembers.  Perhaps back in the day their family made a deal with a nefarious being  or was just cursed. Either way the exchange was that they would never  be heroes, no one in their line would be anything of note. They would  live average lives no matter what. And they will instead preserve the  stories of the heroes and legends that they would never become.  Meanwhile Hazel isn’t interested in becoming a hero or legend or  anything.