


3 years, 3 months ago



Called Shinrin, Shinrin-sama (by Bell), Wizard

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 23 years

Sexuality Pansexual

Affiliation Ashhallow Forest

Theme Happy Face

HTML Pinky


These days, everyone knows not to enter the forest alone.

When the trees reach for miles and all light is blocked by unseen foliage high above, that's how you know that you've exited the normal woodland areas of Cthalia and stepped into the boundary of Ashhallow Forest. These massive woods are far different and far more dangerous, as it's impossible to traverse them if you don't know where you're going. In Ashhallow, left is right and up is down. You'd be walking in circles if you weren't walking in squares. The thick mist coating the forest floor obstructs your feet entirely. Confusing carvings are etched upon trees in languages unknown. And if the forest itself doesn't make you go mad, Shinrin will soon be on his way to put you out of your misery.

It's easy to enter the woods unknowingly, and Ashhallow hates intruders. But if you manage to befriend the wizard and are guided to the center of the forest, you'll be welcomed into a treetop city straight out of fantasy.


Height 5'3"

Build Lithe

Eyes Bright green w/ yellow highlights

Skin Tone Pale with light golden undertones

Hair Color Black

Hair Style Short and slightly messy

Demeanor Depends


  • Left-handed
  • Wears a collared white shirt beneath his wizard robes
  • One dangly earring hanging from his right ear
  • Bangs are asymmetrical! Left side of bangs are slightly longer than right side


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Shinrin bears a multi-faceted personality that is near impossible to predict. Often times, the side he shows first will be serious and chilling, as he is incredibly wary of newcomers. But once you get to know him, you'll quickly see him change to a childish fool with little to no grasp on reality. Of course, that innocent smile can rapidly switch to a sly grin at any time. His tone of voice shifts just as fast as his expressions; one moment he's loud and excitable, the next his voice is quiet and smooth, the next it's cold and blunt. Such changes can happen within a matter of seconds, and anyone not accustomed to his crazy behavior will find their head spinning trying to keep up.

It's unclear which of these is his real personality, and which are mere acts. Perhaps all of them. Perhaps none. But when he's being genuine, anyone with a sharp eye can easily tell.

Regardless, Shinrin carries fierce loyalty to those he considers his friends, and takes his duties as Wizard of Ashhallow deathly seriously. He wants nothing more than the safety of his citizens and his allies... which is why Gretel's impending threat utterly terrifies him.



Shinrin has always had a great love for the natural world, plants and animals alike.


Ashhallow prides itself on being free from most rules and routines. Do whatever, whenever, and have fun!

playing games

Shinrin enjoys all types of games, both the childish and the strategic, so long as they aren't boring.


He really does enjoy being around the clockwork engineer. Plus Hugo's fun to tease~



He always likes to be doing something, anything to fill the silence.


The only type of magic he refuses to learn. Fire is a destructive force he does not wish to tap into.

making people worry

It's better to give his friends a reason to smile than a reason to frown, right?


Those who set foot within the borders of Ashhallow without permission rarely leave alive.


practicing his magic

Shinrin spends a lot of his free time honing his magical skills in all manner of ways, and he takes these studies incredibly seriously. He's most skilled in plant-based magic, but also knows a bit of air and water magic as backups. He is currently trying to learn healing magic, but despite years of study and practice, he can't seem to get a handle on it. He refuses to stop trying until he does...

visiting coalmoore city

He makes an effort to take the trip to Coalmoore as often as he can, regardless of whether or not he has a proper appointment. It's gotten to a point where the guards just let him in without question.

checking in with his citizens

It's not uncommon to see Shinrin prancing the streets of his forest city and talking to any inhabitant he comes across. He tries as hard as he can to interact with everyone who chooses to make the forest their home.

patrolling the forest

If he finds himself without something to do, or needs to take his mind off of things, it's likely for him to simply walk through the misty woods of Ashhallow. He knows the way back, after all.



For as long as he can remember, Shinrin has carried a special connection with the natural world.

Shinrin was always one to prefer fantasy and fun over cold hard reality, and his connection with the magical energy of Cthalia has been strong his entire life. He befriended the misty, dark woods of Ashhallow early on, and learned how to properly traverse them in very little time. The woods offered incredible protection from the elements, as they were much thicker and denser packed than any other woodland area in the world. Where most saw a menacing maze with little hope of escape, Shinrin saw a home.

And a home he made. With the help of his extensively powerful magic, Shinrin began to build a treetop city at the heart of Ashhallow Forest. It would act not only as a proper place of refuge for him, but as a secret hideaway for anyone else looking to escape the world and embrace the fantasy of nature. Animals and fairies alike began to flock to the forest, and Shinrin welcomed them all with open arms. The city slowly became a collaborative project between all of its inhabitants, each one pitching in their unique ideas to expand and build their individual homes. Such freedom became the basis of Ashhallow's beliefs, and Shinrin took it upon himself to keep the city and the forest surrounding it safe from invaders.

Soon, rumors began to spread through the land about a city in the center of the woods. It didn't take long before Shinrin recieved a request to meet from another leader in the world, Hugo of Coalmoore City. Until that point, Shinrin had been wholly unaware that other territories had began to sprout in Cthalia. He truly wanted none of it... politics weren't his thing at all, but he obliged. Upon first meeting Hugo, Shinrin was already clashing with the engineer's aggressive stance against organic beings. Not only that, but hostility quickly formed between the automata and fairy populations.

Desptie all of that, Shinrin heard Hugo out. The engineer had become concered about a third territory cropping up in the southern part of the land... the Saccharine Empire, headed by a woman named Gretel. Hugo wanted to have a meeting between all three of the leaders to discuss how to share the land before any rash actions were taken. Shinrin agreed to this, as the idea of a budding Empire unnerved him. Besides, he didn't care for territory anyway... all he wanted was the safety of Ashhallow and to maintain the freedom it stood for.

However, upon meeting with Gretel, it quickly became apparent that she wasn't interested in sharing the land. Shinrin and Hugo attempted to argue against her, but Gretel was not having any of it. She declared that if Hugo and Shinrin wouldn't accept her reign, then she would force it upon them.

Panic ensued. To the disdain of their citizens, Ashhallow and Coalmoore quickly made an anti-violence pact with one another. It also stated that if either of them were to be attacked by Gretel, then the other would come to their aid without question. Since then, Shinrin has been fiercely protective of his forest home, killing anyone who enters the woodland without permission. The threat of war hangs heavy on his shoulders, and he will do whatever it takes to keep his people safe.






ally, romantic interest

Thanks to their opposing views on reality, leadership, and more, the clockmaker and the wizard frequently have disputes. However, all things considered, they are actually on quite good terms. Shinrin has always found Hugo interesting, and nowadays, he places a lot of value on their alliance. He considers Hugo to be his closest friend, but he's uncertain if the feeling is mutual.



constant threat

Despite Shinrin's seemingly careless views toward most things, he takes Gretel's advance deathly seriously. He's had no trouble cutting down groups of her soldiers, but if he were to come face-to-face with Gretel herself... that's another story. The Empire is a blazing fire, an uncontrollable force if left unchecked, and the thought petrifies him.



ally and future friend

The moment she called herself an 'outsider,' Shinrin was intrigued. The wizard is incredibly friendly towards her at most times; however, he holds onto a constant suspicion that she may somehow be conspiring with the Empire. Eventually, though, he'll see that Alice is someone who can be trusted... and who has the potential to be a loyal friend.