Aya Marina



6 years, 11 months ago


An intelligent lass who lives near the beach. She also wants to contact aliens.

She is a common sight along the shore, a patron of souvenir shops, and a connoisseur of food stands. It's hard to get her attention. Seems she's only interested in very specific people. Despite her striking appearance, Aya is often spotted with geeky figures, talking at a length about the paranormal and the occult. She is mostly interested in aliens and otherworldly phenomena. Actually, if you get on her good side, Aya will reveal to you that she has made a startling discovery that may yet prove the existence of aliens. "Since you seem to have a lot of time on your hands while I'm so terribly busy, I'll give you all the evidence I have gathered over the years, and you can take full credit." she promises. Of course, it's a deal too good to pass up. Aya promises to reveal the evidence in private, after sundown, outside a cove along the beach. Those who bother to show up are often found groggy, stumbling through the sand the following morning with no memories of what happened. But based on Aya's mysterious aura and the strangeness of her request to meet in private, it is assumed that she is bad news; tourists who fall prey to her schemes leave the area soon after.

The Marinetto girl uses her promise of fame and extraterrestrial evidence to lure in the greediest of conspirators. She then feeds on their greed and uses it to collect dust for her bottle. The greed of man is delicious to Aya, and her ability to attract and dupe unsuspecting tourists yields much dust. Aya truly is interested in the paranormal. She uses her scam to try to make off with evidence gathered by her fellow conspirators... but to no avail. Usually, her victims have no more information on extraterrestrials than she does. They are all just drooling, greedy idiots who want to make off with whatever arbitrary amount of evidence she claims to have.

That is, until one mysterious man expresses interest in Aya's information. He rejects her offer to take all the glory for himself, instead offering his own chunk of research on alien life in return. Rather than luring him into a secluded cove, Aya continues to communicate with this character. Their shared knowledge and passion for the paranormal may yet bare fruit. What started out as yet another scam in the making for Aya could possibly turn into what she'd been searching for all along - real aliens.