
3 years, 3 months ago



"The kisses of the sun/Were sweet/I didn't blink..."
Name [Genevieve "Lala" Deneuve]
Name Pronunciation [Lah-lah]
Species [Domestic dog--Pomeranian]
Age [22]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Tour guide]
Residence [Roswell, New Mexico]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Purple earring in each ear--purple lip ring on either side of lower lip
  • Bright pink feathering on the back of front legs
  • Eyes are deep purple
  • Two goldenrod colored flower tattoos on each shoulder
  • Bangs are bright pink and very fluffy

Lala dreams big, but is practical at the same time--she recognizes that others view her job and interests as a little odd. This knowledge does not bother her, however, and she continues to march to the beat of her own drummer. Lala is kind-hearted, enthusiastic about life, and always up to try something new. Those who call her a "space cadet" are missing out on the real Lala. Theme song: A Touch of Class--Around the World:


Lala grew up in Los Angeles, and was fascinated by all things related to outer space from an early age. Following her passion, she moved to Roswell, New Mexico as an adult and became an independent tour guide, showing off Area 51 to tourists. Lala never could have imagined that her best friends would end up being actual extraterrestrials and an astronaut. She feels that they are helping her to realize her dreams of happiness, exploration, and adventure--she considers her life now to be "out of this world!"


Zachary is a bona fide extraterrestrial who came to Roswell to research the interactions of their ancestors with Earthlings. Lala was thrilled to meet them, but agreed to keep their existence a secret for their own safety. Zachary rewarded this kindness with their friendship. They make a fine friend--they are accepting, goofy, and adventurous--and Lala is very glad that their travels brought them to Roswell.


Lala met Hoagy when his spacecraft crash-landed in the area where she gives tours--he was a former astronaut who was accidentally left in space and only returned to Earth when his craft became too old to remain aloft. Sensing Hoagy's confusion at returning to Earth, Lala took him under her wing. Hoagy is a friendly guy who adapts readily to any situation, qualities that Lala appreciates. In turn, Hoagy counts himself lucky to have a guide who can explain computers, DVRs, and the like!


Ollie is an extraterrestrial--they are a biologist who has come to Earth in order to study its plant life and who encountered Zachary shortly after landing in Roswell, thus becoming acquainted with Lala by extension. Lala quickly came to enjoy Ollie's company immensely--like her, they are curious, unconventional, and eager to make friends. Ollie is glad to have Lala's company, as well--she has helped them to feel settled in their new environment. The pair currently enjoy discussing their future plans for further interstellar travel together.


Molly is the cousin of Lala's friend Ollie, and have recently come to Earth to join Ollie in their studies. They were initially a bit bewildered by Lala--Molly is a bit shy, and takes some time to get to know people. However, Lala's sunny disposition eventually won them over, and they began to open up, demonstrating their high levels of intelligence and curiosity. Lala is very happy that Molly has opened up to her--she wants Molly to feel comfortable around her.