Jaye's Comments

I can't seem to comment so I'll just make a new comment ><
I adore https://toyhou.se/14780611.stonespeaker-75 :0

I think I fixed it lol Pretty sure I had a setting turned off, who knows!

I could possibly do that! I realize I forgot to put a pending on them, as I did have someone reach out in DMs about them a few days ago, but they were unsure, so I should hear back from them tomorrow, so if it's a no, I'll gladly do it!

I do also have this woolyne that I have up for trade, if you were interested in a woolie! https://toyhou.se/4607221.elyon

They're both gorgeous designs TT^TT. If Stonespeaker is taken, I'd gladly trade for Elyon :D

I will let you know tomorrow! Hopefully they'll get back to me by then!

I love both of them, but haven't had many good ideas for either character :v

Sure thing, and same! That's me rn with this chara :')


If I am able to snag them, I was considering either D&D character, or using them in an urban fantasy universe I have with some friends

11 Replies

Hi there, Amenyx! Would any of these characters interest you, for this kiddo? I'd be willing to do multiples, or add in art if there was interest! Thank you for taking a look :)
