


3 years, 3 months ago



Name Sillhouette (Sil)
Last nameAcana
Age 17
Height 163 cm
Race Moth
Birthday January 23rd
Town Obsidiath - Goddart
Handedness Lefthanded

PERSONALITY: Sil can be perceived as an introverted person thanks to their physical defect, but when you comes to have a connection beyond words, you can easily empathize with them thanks to how relaxed and passionate they are. On the other hand, they tend to be difficult to understand thanks to how unpredictable and inconsistent they are, as they often let's themself be guided by their intuition instead following logic.

Cursed from born and forced to take a tought path with a lot of twists from very young age. Sil, the mude moth. Would insult you if they could.


  • Lights
  • Lämps
  • Flying
  • Night


  • Sunlight
  • Demons
  • Social contructs
  • Law


Sillhouette / Shadowcast Raider / A rank / Sirius^

Currently working on the guilt Sirius, a very talented assasin for their young age, took the path of assasination for love purposes.

They are probably one of the few assasins who took the path by own desision, their valor has been recognized by many, critizied by others. But at the end, they don't regret all. They live their own way, even with dirty hands, they constructed their freedom.

Shadowcast Raider, name of the battlesuit, a very ironic one. Named after their ability to hide in shadows and move towards them silently, just like them.


Silhouette was born in a family which was descended from a monk clan, where magic was very discredited. Sil was born mude, which at first was taken as a simple disability. It was not until they grew up that they demonstrated the ability to fly (an ability that individuals of their species didn’t have). Many rumors that claimed that Sil had been interfered with by black magic arose, claiming they exchanged their voice for this ability. Making them thus, a wielder of dark magic that would soon bring doom. These rumors generated rejection towards Sil, as there was no one who wanted to have contact with this supposedly evil energy.

Wanting to prove themself worthy of self-control and capable of eradicating any threat posed by their "curse." Sil decides to continue the legacy of the main family, becoming a priest monk. 

With their new goal already set, Sil entered a monastery known as "the silence" where they were instructed about true magic and how to deal with it. Their instruction was guided by a master-ranked priest who served as their tutor, who also assisted them in their quest to find an explanation for their curse. This search lasted for years and nothing was found regarding this, so the possibility of Sil being a carrier of evil energy was soon ruled out, but this did not change Sil's intentions to be a monk, as they still wanted to become one to archive becoming a respected and admirable figure. This did not change until Sil met Tokky, a boy who came to the monastery with similar intentions to theirs; getting a way to purify the soul of his sister, a mutant specter. 

Sil's tutor had been assigned to Tokky, so these two not only shared a teacher, but also a lot of time together. With this, they came to establish a very strong friendship, which soon turned into something much deeper. 

Everything seemed to be going well for both of them, until the sudden event of the death of Tokky’s sister caused him to lose his sanity and he was soon blinded by a thirst for revenge. So he left the monastery, and although Sil tried to stop him at all costs, they failed. Which caused them a great feeling of inadequacy, as well as a recurring concern about what might happen to Tokky in the process of his revenge. All their negative feelings were diverting their attention more and more from their main objective, until their anxiety was so great that it led them to follow in Tokky's footsteps to stop him before he carried out his much desired revenge. 

Silhouette left the monastery to follow Tokky, for this, they looked for all possible traces of demons that could be in the kingdom. But in their journey, many of these faced them, so using what they learned in the monastery, they managed to counter them. It was over time that Sil lost their fear of assassinating, along with their empathy for demons, and not only demons, because many other times they had to face other humans. Before they even realized, they had become a complete assassin, and it was thanks to this that they managed to reach another level, become a mercenary. This led them to the final clue they were looking for, Sirius. A guild of high-ranking assassins in which Tokky was. Entering this did not seem to be a possible option for them, since their rank was much lower than the members of this guild, so Sil had to resort to much more dangerous missions to be able to rise in rank and be recognized by Sirius.

When Sil gained sufficient confidence in their experience, they applied to join Sirius. Although, it was certainly not easy for them to obtain their pass, because for that, they had to face other assassins of higher rank to eliminate the competition.

The efforts made by Sil in the end managed to give them what they were looking for so enthusiastically, they managed to enter Sirius successfully. With this, they gained the biggest reward they were looking to archive for so long, meeting again with their loved one.

Sil seemed to have interrupted Tokky's plans for revenge, as the story of the entired journey that sil had been embarked thanks to him and his reckless actions seemed to have moved him. Tokky was guilty of having made Sil lose their ideal path thanks to him. But Sil had no regrets at all, because thanks to that, they managed to find a new path in which both could live without the constant need to prove yourself to others.



  • Talent: Umbrakinesis (shadow control and manipulation)
  • Function: Indirect assasination, stealth, ranged unit.
  • Grade: A rank
  • Trainer: N/A
  • Weapon Mastery: Bow
  • Arsenal:
  •  "Luminous Shadowcast" Bow


  • Height: 163 cm.
  • Weight: 48kg.
  • Hair color: short, curly, lilac/lavender colored.
  • Eyes color: VO I D
  • Race: Therion.
  • Alignment: Insect.
  • Breed: Silk/moodle moth.


  • Intelligence level: outstandable.
  • Mental condition: stable.
  • Emotional condition: stable.
  • Personality type: ambivert.


  • Place of birth: Emeryland - Galaressa
  • Language: common language (written) and sign language
  • Relationship status: in a relationship with Tokky
  • Sexual orientation: Toric/Achillean (attracted to male)
  • Occupation: assassin from the guild Sirius
  • Relationships chart


  • Silhouette has an IQ comparable to a growth adult.
  • They communicate using sign language, althought it is not always necesary, as their body language is often more than enough to communicate by itself.
  • Their birthname is "Simonde", they changed it after running away from the monastery.
  • ... YOU KNOW WHAT? Pronouns are overrated, how about we repeat Sil's name everytime we gotta talk about Sil? /j


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