Vennik Drehmikhala



7 years, 22 days ago

Basic Info


Vennik Drehmikhala (Ven-nick Dreh-mee-kaw-la)


Black Dragonborn


20's-30's. Hard to tell.


5'11” when standing up straight (which he never is) / 200 lbs


Male, cis, he/him




Neutral Evil/True Neutral


(D&D 5e Character)


Noticeable physical features: Hunching posture, iridescent scales, very scrawny compared to other dragonborn, demonic insignia on tongue, scars of rope burns on wrists. Would have been a rogue but is built like a nerd.

 Purveyor of potions and other magicked items, caster of charms and hexes, and most of all: con artist; these are they ways dragonborn Vennik Drehmikhala makes his ends meet. He works under many names and professions, none of which are legitimate, and all are dubiously ethical at best. After being cast out of his dragonborn clan, he's taken to wandering the various kingdoms of man and elfkind. He's scammed hundreds of folks from the Underdark to the Far-reach Isles. Never able to stay in one place very long lest his reputation precede him, he takes his illegitimate wares and incantations on the road. He'd never strike a bargain so horrible that one of his many “satisfied customers” might swear a vow of absolute vengeance against him, but taking advantage of those too stupid to help themselves? Absolutely. Venn is always willing to "lend a hand" to those who's better judgment won't stand in the way of a magic money-spewing locket that will also make you fly.

 It is unclear when he made his pact with the fiend that calls itself "The Forgotten One". He sought out a weak demon in a time of great need, thinking it would be subjugated easily and serve him quietly. And he was right, for when he found The Forgotten One, it came to him without a fuss, only asking for small "favors" in return. A little blood here, an insignia on your body there, not much compared to the invaluable power that comes from wielding the magic of a fiend. The Forgotten One is much more than Vennik perceives, however, and underestimates its seemingly mild nature. Sometime after their pact, he embraced his inner edge lord and switched from worshiping the dragon god of justice Bahamut to the chatotic and greedy goddess Tiamat.

 At heart, Venn is a hedonist. He loves money and finer things, but is almost as much of a fool as the people he swindles, buying items he has no use for or things too lavish for his circumstances. He's never cared much for the fate or feelings of others. At least not enough that he has people willing to stick around him when times get tough. Any familial ties he's had were severed long ago and would deffo sell his own grandma, especially to scurry out of any debts that pile up. He takes care of himself and his interests first and charity is not in his vocabulary. Life on the streets has taught him to take what he can, when he can. Behind his silver tongued persona, he can be a nervous wreck and once someone calls his bluff he can get embarrassingly flustered. 



Misc: Can eat almost anything. (Perks of being an acid dragon.) Childhood name was "Legbiter".