Dr. Nicosia's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

DawnatMidnight Global Rules
【 General Rules 】
  • ✓ You're allowed to change the design, gender and race of the character as you wish!
  • ✓ You're allowed to post the character elsewhere if you provide proper credit for the art!
  • ✗ 'Credit to the rightful creator/owner' is not proper credit. A link to the artist in question is proper credit.
  • ✗ You're not allowed to claim the original design as your own.

【 If Character is Bought 】
  • ✓ You're allowed to resell the design for the same price you bought it, or higher if it comes with additional art!
  • ✓ You're allowed to Trade or Gift the character!

【 If Character is a Gift or Trade 】
  • ✓ You're allowed to gift or trade the character for other characters or art.
  • ✗ You're not allowed to sell the character. Even if you have additional art of them.