Michelangelo (Milo)A. Arbridge



3 years, 2 months ago


Bought from Healingword/Zith for $35 on 11.05.2021


Masterlist: https://www.deviantart.com/thale-list/art/G2-G-62-874643634

Nicknames: Milo, Kerub (by Flower)


A shared past with Flower https://toyhou.se/9055599.flower as he and his parents lived next door of her and the aunt. Both kids getting along quite well and since kindergarden friends. With them both a lil opposite on the flow, they never leet each other down. Their friendship and part sibling likeness, got them through  tough times. Especially as Milo´s parents began to have their divorce and for the young one back then, Flower was his only hold of hope. The one he relied on the most and trusted.

Dramaqueen but get s over it to complete. Perfectionist
Milo  is a young man with a slim build and a rather feminine face. He has long blond hair, worn flattened down or up in a bun around the majority of his head,  spiked and sticking out to the sides at the bottom of it, with a side fringe that curves upwards a little before it does down. He has notably long eyelashes and bright beautiful pink eyes, giving him the appearance of a young prince.

Milo appears to be a vain and prideful Thalemimi later on, thinking of himself as most passionate to the rest. He exhibits extremely flamboyant mannerisms, is fond of posing, and likes to grab the attention of those around him despite frequently getting ignored by others when they get to know him (fate of a Dramaqueen). His expression rarely changes from a  closed smile, even while he speaks or gets hurt, and he's also prone to  getting upset if interrupted or questioned. Milo sentences often end with a "hmmm?" , indicating a fancy tone. He also tends to play up his French heritage, occasionally implementing French words into his sentences.

However, this persona is shown to be mostly a façade, as he holds severe insecurities about himself, the past and what he had experienced, and, in reality, he doesn't  see himself as above anyone else. In fact, he appears to think of  himself as different from everybody, due to the way his parents had treated him. Struggling with this since his childhood and wishes to become "normal" one day.

Though he has a desire to have friends, rarely has the confidence to act upon it due to his insecurities alack of social skills; he can unintentionally come off as "creepy" "Annoying" or "dramatic" to others when he genuinely means well. Instead, he opts to self-isolate, seen through his eating of school meals alone rather than withothers of his class. He does tend to eat with Flower and be more around Hector as well. In general avoidance of most social situations as he notices when it is too much. He can´t help it. Despite this, he's been  shown to be rather observant, able to pick up on others emotions,, feelings and situations pretty well. 

Possessing a compassionate side. Milo is also easily frightened by danger and prefers to hide rather than fight, though he can still help out a friend as long as he remains safe and isn't above sacrificing himself, highly contrasting his usual self-centered attitude. This later changes alot as Hector and Flower motivate him more. 

As an aspiring Artist, halfway lingering on his seat as he draws, humming with headphones while streaming or simply the pocket radio on as he colors freely on canvas, this perfectionist dramaqueen is a talented Thale. 

On weekends or under the week he has his own lil stand and draws like Hector with a passion. Usually he gazes to couples as he is a pure loveable guy and loves to portray love as he see s it.  Blessing couples as they pass. Even for Singles he will charmingly draw them to give them something to love back. 

His apartment is small and next to Hector and Flower. Style is a mix of viktorian and japanese. Old classi viktorian bed wth long flowy curtains he decorated and loves to see them flow with the wind when his balcony doors are open. Open balcony to street n park as the other side has a lovely beach view. 

Listens to music, sings or hums while drawing. Enjoys his coffee as well and tends to forget to swap mugs and ends up sipping paint (he cusses here in his mother tongue) Owns a cool resin fresh table And it maybe be smol in the corner so it doesn't take up as much space and can hold up Canvas easily when he paints. Milo´s parents are italien and japanese as he can speak italien, french, english, german and japanese. Used to learn alot as a kid..
