



Mitsuaki Himura



Arcana: Magician
Persona: Tenjin/[TBA] (Ultimate)
Skills theme: Fire, Elec / Wind, Agility buffs
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: April 11
Height: 174 cm
Romantic/sexual orientation: Hetero
Relationship status: Single
"Job": 2nd year highschool student
Nationality: Japanese
MBTI: ENTJ ("The Commander")

"Magic or just sufficiently advanced technology? Let's find out."


A confident smart guy who is knowledgeable in physics and earth sciences, he hates wasting time and always makes quick snap decisions which often leads to him getting tricked like his friend Tomomi.

Story (WIP)



Tomomi: Mitsuaki's childhood friend, these two have been close for as long as they can remember.

Name Duis varius quam nec vulputate convallis. Nullam velit sem, dignissim nec vehicula sed, semper vitae odio. Aliquam rutrum ac odio ac varius. Integer ac velit erat. Ut non ligula turpis. Nam congue, sapien lacinia finibus pretium, magna mauris posuere nibh, at luctus sem lorem sed neque. Cras mauris eros, bibendum eu mi vitae, eleifend placerat velit. Donec suscipit metus vitae lacus lacinia dignissim sit amet metus tincidunt.

Name Praesent sit amet rhoncus leo, quis venenatis nulla. In velit nulla, sollicitudin ac posuere vitae, hendrerit sit amet ante. Vestibulum felis felis, feugiat eu mauris et, bibendum molestie ligula. Cras ultrices malesuada enim ac eleifend. Praesent ligula ante. Duis porta nisi eu malesuada dignissim.

Persona Base Stats








[ - ][ - ][ Str ][ Wk ][ - ][ - ][ Str ][ - ][ - ][ - ][ - ]
Elemental MasteryRaises allies' Burn/Freeze/Shock rate
List of Skills [WIP]
AgiDeals light Fire damage to 1 foe. [Innate]
ZioDeals light Elec damage to 1 foe. [Innate]
SukukajaIncreases 1 ally's Agility for 3 turns. [Innate]
MaragiDeals light Fire damage to all foes. [Lv 6]
TarukajaIncrease 1 ally's Attack power for 3 turns. [Lv 12]
AgilaoDeals medium Fire damage to 1 foe. [Lv 21]
MazioDeals light Elec damage to all foes. [Lv 24]
Resist ElecReduces damage from Elec attacks. [Lv 34]
MaragionDeals medium Fire damage to all foes. [Lv 38]
MagarulaDeals medium Wind damage to all foes. [Lv 40]
Fire BoostStrengthen Fire attacks by 25%. [Lv 45]
Mind ChargeNext magical attack will be 250% greater in power. [Lv 48]
MasukukajaIncreases Agility for 3 turns (party). [Lv 52]
Null FireBecomes immune to Fire attacks. [Lv 64]


● Despite its name The Magician is less about literal magic and more about the ties between the natural and the supernatural, as shown by the titular figure in the card's art having one hand pointed up and the other pointed down. In addition, the table in front of him has the symbols of the minor arcana on it which in turn represent the four clasical elements, and the infinity sign above his head represents infinite possibilities much like The Fool does, hence why those two are friends. Upright it means willpower, desire, resourcefulness, creation, and manifestation; Reversed it is manipulation, trickery, illusion, and being out of touch.

Tenjin is the patron kami/deity of academics, scholarship and learning in Shinto, and the deification of Sugawara no Michizane, a famous scholar, poet and politician from the Heian period who died in exile after falling victim to a rival's plot. Serveral years later the Japanese capital was struck by heavy rains and lightning which caused many homes to be destroyed by fires and floods. The court of the Emperor drew the conclusion that the disturbances were caused by Michizane's angry spirit, and, to placate it, the Emperor restored all of his offices in the the government, burned the official order of exile, and ordered that the poet be worshiped under the name Tenjin.

● Mitsuaki's name comes from the kanji 光 (mitsu) meaning "light" and 昭 (aki) meaning "bright, luminous", referencing his association with fire and electricity, and the first kanji in his surname, 緋, means "scarlet, dark red", another reference to fire as well as his outfit.

● Vivamus at metus posuere neque varius pharetra sed a nunc.

● Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non interdum eu.

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