


3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Tali

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 18

Personality: quiet, thoughtful, sometimes reluctant to make bold decisions, clicks easily with people, tends to lash out when under stress, will fight to the death to protect the people she loves

Relationships: Sheba (friend), Myan (leader of Builder group) 

Background: A Minecraft OC. A member of a small group of Builders who are planning to expand their town and have split in different directions to gather resources. Tali is ambushed by mobs when traveling and is forced to hide out in a nearby village overnight for her safety. She is found in the morning by the Villagers with arrows piercing her arm and lower back, and they help to heal her. While she is stuck in the village, she becomes friends with a young Villager boy named Sheba, who attempts to teach her his language so she can communicate with the others. When Tali learns enough to speak and understand very rudimentary Villager, she learns from the Villagers that there is a large cave system below their village full of iron and diamonds, but none of them have been able to brave its depths to reach said materials. 

A couple weeks after Tali arrives in the village, a zombie attack begins late at night. Only a couple of the Villagers know how to use a sword or bow, and there aren't enough fighters to fend off the zombies. Despite her injuries, Tali takes her sword and plows through the swarm of zombies, saving the village from certain destruction. The Villagers celebrate her for her bravery, and offer to let her stay as long as she likes. Tali takes up the offer, knowing she's meant to collect resources anyways and builds a small house next to the village to stay in. While she's there, she teaches the Villagers self defense and how to skillfully use a sword, bow, and crossbow, just in case of another zombie attack. She also ventures into the caves below the village and finds that the rumors are true— the cave is filled to the brim with precious stones, but it's infested with mobs and would need a fullscale team to be able to clear it out enough to venture further in. 

After a year or so, Tali decides she's been away from home long enough, and travels back to the Builder town. Once she arrives, she tells Myan, the leader of their small group, about the cave system underneath the village. He's estatic about this discovery, and so is Tali until Myan reveals he plans to start an Illager raid on the village to scare or kill off all the Villagers so the Builders can build a new base on top of the cave system. Tali is mortified, and tries to get him to barter with the Villagers instead, but he pushes her aside and sets out to find a Woodland Mansion. 

Tali quickly travels back to the village and tells them what Myan is planning to do, but some of the Villagers blame her for telling Myan about the cave system. Sheba comes to her defense, however, and the village prepares for a raid. 

Myan comes in with a full-scale Illager party and attacks the village. Tali manages to fight off multiple Pillagers and Vindicators, and even slays a Ravager, but is hit by an attack from an Evoker and thrown aside. Myan appears at her side, offering a hand if she joins him in attacking the village, but she instead puts up her sword, beginning a duel. As they fight, Myan slices Tali in the side, but she stabs him through the stomach, killing him. Despite her injuries, she stumbles back into the village, resuming the fight and slaying the final Illager captain. The remaining Pillagers retreat, knowing they've been defeated, and Tali is crowned Hero of the Village. 

Physical description: A Builder with light skin and dark purple-tinted hair. Her eye color is unknown, as her eyes are often hidden by her hair and the shadow of her hood. She wears a black hooded robe with a diamond pendant and hidden pockets for her potions, a belt for her tools, a dark grey sweater, black pants, and iron boots. She carries an enchanted iron sword (with Mending and Sharpness II), a diamond pickaxe, and occasionally a shield. She also carries various potions, including night vision, strength, fire resistance, and water breathing.