
3 years, 3 months ago


What can I even say this guy is just absolutely adorable, Symi did an amazing job with this adopt. They caught my attention and I just couldn't resist them. To be honest they remind me a bit of Six from Little Nightmares 1 and 2, especially with the hoodie. So lo and behold here is Six! They are pretty shy around others, tends to keep to themselves, is very good at figuring out puzzles. Six has lived on their own for a few years now and never stays in one place for too long, they keep moving and traveling to different areas. Six keeps a pouch on them at all times as they like to collect small trinkets, plants, and anything shiny. As they travel leaves tend to stick to their fur, they take these leaves and put them in their notebook to study later. Six knows if they have been to a certain area before based on the kinds of leaves and plants that are around. They have run into many different species along the way but has never taken the chance to get to know any of them. Only one creature Six has run into is trying to get them to open up and that is Porsche. She is intrigued by Six and wants to get to know them and show them that they can be their safe place. They don't have to always run. 

They love hoodies and sweets, they will either wear their pikachu hoodie, a yellow rain coat, or an over-sized burgundy hoodie. Six is rather small, only standing 5' tall in their anthro form, and in their feral form they are about the size of a fox. Their large fluffy tail serves as a pillow as well as a blanket when the weather is cold. Six has extremely good survival skills but often times get themselves into trouble. 

When it comes to drawing them you may either draw them with or without their hoodie! Antlers are not optional as they are a foxdeer hybrid. Their hair can either be their normal half and half or all beige or all dark grey. 

Worth: $180

Pings- original designer Symi, AvenueÂ