
3 years, 3 months ago



Name Osiris
Age 25
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation NA
Build Tall/Built
Species Werewolf
Occupation Pawnshop owner/hitman
Creator morguest
Design Notes

  • His eyes are red and yellow always so he wears glasses in human form
  • He has a full feral and anthro form depending on what he wants or if its full moon
  • He has scars but the fur hides them
  • Prefers wolf form but runs a human shop so you can see him in human form there
  • He prefers to wear baggy dark clothes

Osiris tends to be rather blunt and will speak his mind reguardless if it sounds rude or not. Easier to get to the point rather than draw out a conversation. He is also rather quiet and will only speak if he needs or wants to. It is hard to get him to trust you but once you are in his pack you can excpect a ride or die friendship.


  • Osiris's old pack was murdered by hunters which is how he became a hitman.
  • Osiris does actually run the Pawn shop.
  • His hitman days are few and far between so he mostly gives jobs to his employees, though if requested he will do a job.
  • His current pack is unknown and some say he is packless still.
  • Acts way older than he is (so people think he has more authority)

Osiris is from the far north woods. His pack was a reasonable size and were mostly in their feral formswhich is why he prefers to be in his wolf forms over his human form. When he was just a pup his packmates started to go missing and after a while the hunters found the main den. In the panic one of the older yearlings from a few summers ago grabbed him and ran into the woods with him. Returning to the main den a few nights later they find the oack gone and the air heavy with the smell of blood. They left for the nearest town after that, knowing they couldn't survive the coming winter without the adults. The yearling left Osiris in feral form in an allyway so they could find food and a better spot to stay. A passerby misstook him for an abandoned puppy and took him to a shelter. Fearing humans he stayed in his feral form and was highly hostile to anyone who came near him. The shelter sedated him at some point and sent him to a wolf sanctuary in hopes he would do better that after they tested him and he came back as a wolf pup.

He was able to stay at that sancuary for a year until his wolf form reached an old enough age for him to shift into his human for longer. He ran from there in the middle of the night and took out the trackter the shelter put on him. He was able to make it to the next town over when he hear the news about his escape. His clothes in tatters he raided a random alley trashcan for clothes luckily finding a dirty jacket which was good enough for the moment. He kept walking around in the town and ended up in the shader side accidentally running into a city pack that had smelled him at the border. They pitied him and took him in, after cleaning him up and letting him sleep there the pack alpha welcomed him in and told him that to pay them back he had to work for them.

The second pack brought him into the hitman life and eventually he left that pack and started his own pawn shop as a front and runs a hitman disbatcher in the back of the shop. The shop is on the same street as the bakery and all the other local shops. He is a regular at the bakery and knows Oliver and Magnus pretty well but has never met their son.


  • Sweets(shockingly)
  • Older Movies
  • Hiking
  • Snowboarding

  • Hot weather
  • Mushrooms
  • Long flights
  • Waking up early
  • High pitched noises