A's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Eiol Global Rules

T.O.S [English] 

Dont delete the design Th profile. 

And also dont hide the profile without asking. 

You are free to resell, trade or gift the design. 

Resale for real money can not be made if the design was bought with Ac or won in a raffle, unless it has art that is worth that. 

You can redesign, change species, gender or wathever, is your character now, feel free to do whatever with it. 

But feeding my designs/art to IA is completely forbidden, and instant blacklist

In case of commercial use, contact me first. 


No borres el perfil de Th del adopt. 

Tampoco escondas el perfil sin preguntar. 

Puedes revenderlo/intercambiarlo/regalarlo, lo que sea. 

No puedes revenderlo por dinero real si es que lo compraste por Ac o lo ganaste gratis, amenos que tenga arte que lo valga. 

Puedes cambiarle el diseño, género, especie, lo que sea, es tuyo, haz lo que quieras- 

Esta completamente prohibido alimentar a la IA con mis diseños/arte, y es causal de blacklist. 

Eso sí, en caso de uso comercial contactame primero.