


3 years, 6 months ago



"I'm going to stay here and keep working. Try and make this city a little better, try and make the Academy somewhere to accomplish that. Probably until I die. And I don't, um, say that to make it depressing or something. But I want to devote my life to this. I think I need to. I think it feels good. And I haven't felt good about what I'm doing for a really, really long time."

Born in the year 2276 and raised in Dunwich, Nemo's most infamously impoverished district, Yago Santos sacrificed his sense of identity and any joys of childhood to dedicate himself to the study of biotech from a young age. Getting accepted to the Qiandao Academy was a dream come true, an escape route from a life of poverty, but Yago found the academy to be just as miserable as the place he came from. Pushed around by classmates who found admittance to the academy through connections and wealth, doomed to a future of creating technological marvels that would only serve as toys for the rich, already reliant on stimulant drugs to keep up with his studies— he realized he was never going to escape. 

Yago met San Manco at a bar, drunkenly miserating his troubles, and was offered a position in San Manco's upstart gang— smugglers who would bring illicit goods from the surface world to the deep ocean underwater dome of Nemo. San Manco sold it as a chance for Yago to reinvent himself, to once again find some confidence and meaning in his work. Yago picked the name Hyde, a reference to the classical literature of a long-gone age. At night he would be Hyde, serving as the Moonshiner's resident mad scientist and medic. During the day, he would return to the life of the more demure and spineless grad student Yago Santos.

The Moonshiners struggled to take control of the underworld of Nemo's docks and eventually ran into conflict with the Tea Party, another drug-dealing gang. It's leader Hatter was unveiled as the ex-Qiandao professor Mercuria Suyin, toxicology genius. Professor Suyin originated from Dunwich herself and claimed her banishment from the academy was because of her poor background and refusal to bow to corporate interests. According to the academy, it was due to a lack of ethical restraint and a penchant for dangerously ambitious experiments. Hatter saw herself in Hyde, and he saw himself in her. Although wary of someone as egomaniacal as Hatter, Hyde agreed to work with her to take over the academy after being told it didn't have to be this way– that the academy could be turned into a place of learning and scientific advancement he had once dreamed it was. He agreed on the condition that she make him her personal student and teach him everything she knew.

The Moonshiners succeeded in their takeover of the docks, just as Hatter had also succeeded her takeover of Qiandao Academy. Yago took his place as her protege. While keeping in contact with his friends at the Moonshiners and the one who had left for the surface world, he now dedicates his time to serving the newly instated Chancellor Suyin and her ambitions against the megacorporations ruling Nemo.