Domina Dei



3 years, 3 months ago



Name Domina
Called "Dei" "Sir"
Age 40
Gender Intersex (They/Them)
Height 6'2
Build Toned and lean
Race Tiefling
Role Assassin
Demeanor Assertive and Calculating
Alignment Neutral Evil
Background Criminal


  • their craft.
  • power. plain & simple.
  • little things like escargot.
  • an end goal.


  • political nonsense.
  • wasting time.
  • the heavy beatdown of the sun.
  • a loss of control.




Like humans, Tieflings come from a diverse array of backgrounds, all of which involve fiendish entities. Some Tieflings were created through deals with demons, some from interbreeding between fiends and humans, and some from a fiendish curse (or blessing, depending on how one sees the situation). Most Tieflings nowadays are fairly human-looking as, through centuries of persecution, Tieflings with less human characteristics were cruelly murdered. At present, though their fiendish ancestors could be many generations removed, others may still harbor anti-Tiefling sentiment. Escaping the prejudices of others is no easy task. For many years now, despite integration efforts, Tieflings have still been hunted by fringe groups of extremists, hell-bent on ridding their land of "born evils". Some Tieflings try to dismantle the prejudices held against their race by being as upstanding as possible, but others find themselves giving in to the predispositions of their fellows and causing havoc and terror. Many tieflings now reside in Green Zones: areas where tieflings are safe and protected both societally and legally.

The Master's Mind

Domina’s path to success is outlined in the way they deal with others. More specifically, the way they can manipulate others. Early on in their life, they came to the realization that the fastest and most persuading way to make someone do what they asked was to know exactly which threads to put tension on. For some, it was their families. For others, their identities. Domina relies on deceit, manipulation, and threats. And, if someone were to challenge their willingness to carry out those threats, they wouldn’t hesitate to make good on them. With this, they retain an iron-grip on those they rely on for their plans to come to fruition.

A Life of Crime, One Life at a Time

Domina believes that in order to stay alive you must continue to climb, pushing and shoving and stepping over anyone who attempts to grab you on your ascent. And ascend you must, because the pile is always shifting and you will fall. Their belief is founded on experience, though. Their mother was murdered in front of them by a group of hunters, as well as their three siblings. Magick poisoning them, burning them from the inside out. Why did they survive? Their hiding place was no better than their sister's. Their running speed no faster than their brother's. The Dei bloodline had perhaps grown too comfortable, believing they could survive in isolation, that the rest of the world wouldn't come knocking at their door. Those who killed their family represent this new world and its obsession with "freedom". If freedom leads to this, then perhaps absolution can only be found through control.


Domina is a Tiefling who carries a virtue name. Virtue names are given to Tieflings of a specific ferocious and sinister bloodline and they represent an emotion or “virtue” they have in abundance. However, this virtue doesn’t necessarily have to be positive. Dominus, an ancient word for master or domination. Domina is the feminine stem, and Domina Dei means “The Master”. Domina has held this name since birth, or at least as long as Domina has had a name. Mastery, dominion, absolute control… these are the things Domina seeks to possess, to live up to the name they were given.


Connections, extortion, torture. Working their way up the ladder. Convince some snobby rich people that you're just a servant of power. Recieve their money. All for a greater plan. They were young then, just 21 at the beginning, but it was the start of a plan they had prepared to last decades. Domina's Tiefling heritage, their virtue name, they all trace back to one clear pact, the only notation of this kept safe on Domina's skin. The rightful leader to an army, a towering presence. And to this aim, they began to grow an army. Soldiers with magic, dark wizards to bring about a new age of dragons, a new reign of power, a world that could be curated and preserved, cleansed of its wrongs, ruled... dominated.

The Ruins of Buaic Odín

An ancient mountainside where the final battle of the Great War took place. Conspiratorial folk will tell you that a dark secret of the Seven Kings lies hidden there somewhere... and they'd be right. The original location of Domina's first attempt at raising their army, intentionally trashed when outside forces were getting to close. But, the true base of operations was always below. Underground, the plan continues, as it has always.



Abaddon [ Business Associate ]

Abaddon is an asset. A powerful one. Domina has to stay alert, though. The Cronus estate is massive and reaches far into territories not normally accessible by one person. And he's been more than willing to provide some... assistance. All that's required of Domina is to keep their operations running. Providing free labor can be very lucrative indeed! Yet, he does have that boy following them around like a sick puppy. Domina can't let their guard down, else that puppy might bite.

Eliott [ Former Soldier & Enemy ]

Back in the first phase, Domina never paid too much attention to their laborers. He kept his head down, left a low profile. Maybe that was Domina's folly if they would ever admit to one: never checking the ones who were suspiciously compliant. He was the first escapee, first of three, first of two to survive, first and last to never be found. What they did find, eventually, were scales. His scales. Damnned soldier was draconic that whole time; nobody ever knew. Domina was sitting on a gold mine, and just let it go to waste! Talent like that is rare and lucrative. If they could ever find him again, they'd never let him go. He'll crack, eventually. Perhaps that Blackthorne will be the key that brings Domina's plan to its sweet, sweet fruition.

Vivian [ Pesky Little Brat ]

This pathetic... thing... was supposed to be Domina's war vehicle! There's no doubt about it, she's no typical draconic. That's their Aurak. Theirs! Unfortunate that she only revealed herself in Domina's moment of weakness. The magical guise she cast on herself was good, but it couldn't account for her transformation. Small, pathetic golden dragon. Golden dragon that should have belonged to them! That's it, no more on her. She's making Domina annoyed.

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