


3 years, 3 months ago


tropical tea | pip | uncommon
ml # 2295

Maui is generally known for his strong work ethic. He's built a carpentry business building nests (tree houses) for the Howltars of Hometown, starting from a woodworking hobby in his youth. He's landed a couple of bigger jobs in the city, but generally is content with the scale of his family business, he doesn't really have any ambition for himself beyond the growth he's already seen. Some extended relatives and friends of the family also work with him.

He values his family over everything and wants nothing more than to see his children grow and prosper beyond the likes of their parents. Secretly he hopes at least one of them will take interest in inheriting the family business, but he does his best not to push it on them, though he may sometimes make wood working supplies a little too available. He's completely devoted to his mate, Citrus Zine. He would drop everything if they needed him. Even raising a little family he makes sure to find time for just the two of them, whether it's just a stroll around town together or getting away from the chicks for a weekend to focus on their relationship.

Expert level dad jokes.