HFG's Comments

Hiya! I love this design and I'm interested in paying the listed price of $15 USD via Paypal if that is an available option for payment. As requested in the post, I will also be sending a message to your main profile, HAii2u. Also as requested, here's a little bit about why I like him and what I'll use him for. I hope I didn't just go overboard with it. >.<

One of the first things I'd probably use him for is definitely as an avatar on many of my platforms. Several things about him speak to me on a personal level, like the way his face (intentionally or not) forms a yin-yang symbol, the way he presents very unhinged and demonic but skrunkly and cute, and on a very personal note, the way the body horror and types of body horror could vent some of my dysphoria in a character I also identify with.

I'd also want to potentially use him as an avatar or aspect of a god in a homebrew D&D setting I want to run for my friends. It takes place in a section of the plane of law that is used as a test space for reality, and I want a god of chaos who self-identifies as "Horrible Flesh Golem" or HFG for short. When I started trying to imagine who they are as a character, I thought back to this design and was like "he's perfect".

Lastly, as much as I'd want to play this character in a D&D game as a player, I'd probably have to re-imagine or tone down the insect themes since that is one of my partner's phobias and we almost always join groups together. Even if that wasn't the case, it might still be hard to find a group where this character would be appropriate because this is a pretty common phobia among my friends too. I might be able to get away with this being the Form of Dread feature of an undead subclass warlock though.

I've got a bad habit of writing most of my character's lore in google docs or wordpad without giving their toyhouse profiles much love. But, seeing as I might name this character "HFG / Horrible Flesh Golem", I am way more likely to properly tend to his profile to show that I've named him that seriously and that I love him.