

Name Malisa
Designer Chimericect
Gender Female
ObtainedVia free readoption
Significant OtherNone
Rules Species rules
Species Vaiki

RoleLittle marine lover



Malisa is a caring soul who absolutely loves the beach. She's still very young (Basically a child!) and really just doesn't have a complicated view on life. She loves playing in the sand most especially, and you can usually find her rolling around in piles of it or making little sand sculptures and castles. She proclaims she'll be a sand queen one day.

She is creative, endlessly bubbly, and always happy to chatter away at anyone willing to listen. She especially loves crabs and will throw a hundred crab facts at you before you even know what hit you.

Though she loves sand- she's otherwise quite meticulous and organized. Being raised by careful, neat scientists would achieve that. She's always sure to clean up after herself and make sure things are nice and neat around her own spaces. Sand is really the only exception to this...but its not for lack of trying. It just gets everywhere.

She loathes being in the city or away from the ocean for too long. She just hates the smells and sounds of city streets and she'd much rather be playing at the beach. She can't stand feeling "stranded" from the sea (as she puts it). 


  • She loves collecting seashells- even if she has way too many. She literally has a trunk full of just seashells.
  • She takes pictures of all her favorite sea castles- whether she made them or someone else did. She collects those in an album she's made too. 

Malisa lost her family at a young age, and doesn't really know who or where they are, or what happened to them. She doesn't mind though, as she always looks on the bright side and she eventually found herself raised as the foster child-and then adopted child of a pair of marine biologists who lived very close to the sea in order to work at their lab/aquarium nearby.

She absolutely fell in love with this lifestyle and the ocean, and couldn't be more happy with where she is.

She wants to grow up to be just like her parents (Even if she does indeed know they aren't her real parents).


  • The ocean, sand, and sun
  • Crabs
  • Candied apples
  • Swimming

  • "Boring" Cities
  • Stormy weather
  • Time outs
  • Making messes

Anatoni Friend

He taught her how to swim when she was very young! He's super nice and doesn't mind her chattering. She likes bringing him seashells because he can make them into super cool necklaces!

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
