Flamewing 焱翅



3 years, 1 month ago


Flamewing 焱翅

enthusiasm 熱情 . Protect 保護 . Gentle 溫柔

Nickname 暱稱
Gender 性別
Female 母
Pronouns 代詞
She/her 她
About 關於
General 概括

Wonderbeast. Abilities are mainly fire, and later learn water on her own. Nekomata, a housewife, was the first who moved in the chalet. Wearing a cherry blossom necklace, likes to grow flowers and cooking. The one who takes care of everyone, has never mentioned her past to other beasts. Occasionally, she is a bit silly, she is quite enthusiastic, and hardly uses the abilities of fire. Shet is very friendly to outsiders.


"I found home in this chalet. 我在這間木屋找到了家。"
Personality 性格

She takes care of everyone like a mother, gentle and friendly, warm and generous, and occasionally a little silly. There were also more impulsive periods when she's youth.

She has lived for more than a thousand years and has experienced a lot. She has loved and hated, trusted and betrayed. She's afraid of losing, but she knows that she have to let go. She understands that her ability is limited, and she's has the power to hurt others. She will never love again, grasp the moment, and even if it all goes by in a blink of an eye for her, she still cherishes this memory and this experience. Only Flowcherry knows a little about her past.



Appearance 外貌

Red Nekomata, with darker red markings, has the eyes of the setting sun. Her fur is always neat and shiny. Has a cherry blossom necklace gave from Flowcherry, with a blue crystal in the middle, Flamewing seals her fire abilities inside of it.


Bio 簡歷

AGE 年齡
1065 years 年

Wonderbeast 幻獸

Chalet 木屋

abilities (INNATE) 異能(先天)
Fire 火

Alive 活著

Birthday 生日
June 6th

Nekomata 貓又


abilities (acquired) 異能(後天)
Water 水

Theme 主題曲
Humility 謙遜

courtesy 禮貌

Optimism 樂觀

Charisma 魅力

Intellect 智力

Wisdom 智慧

Courage 勇氣

  • Plant植物
  • Do housework做家務
  • bake&cooking烘焙做飯
  • Tiny stuff小東西
  • Lively熱鬧
  • Alone孤獨
  • Anything that hurts her family傷害到她家人的任何事物
  • Talk about her past提起她的過去
  • Waste浪費
Fire(innate) 火(先天)

Her fire is blue, loyal, and powerful. But it is too powerful, it can even occupy Flamewing's consciousness. After being sealed, it felt that it has been betrayed by its master, and has been waiting for the opportunity of revenge.


Water(acquired) 水(後天)

Gentle water seems to be more favored by Flamewing, water is more in line with her character than the destructive image of fire. This is what she learned from acquired learning, and she doesn't want to hurt anyone again.


Trivia 瑣事

  • She likes to make small things out of flowers and plants
  • 她很喜歡拿花草製作小東西
  • In addition to water and fire, she can also use some simple spells
  • 除了水跟火她也能夠使用一些簡單的法術
  • --
  • --

Story 故事
Past 過去

  Quite impulsive when young. Once had a feral mate, with him, Flamewing's impulsive personality also changed, but due to the length of his lifespan, he left. The heartbroken young nekomata started wandering around until she reached a small village. There are many children in the village, Flamewing takes care of them, plays with them, and also protects the village from thieves. Flamewing knows the dangers of fire. One day she woke up in the middle of the night and the village was in flames. She panicked to find survivors and found the village chief under a collapsed beam, and he was one of the children that Flamewing took care of.


  The village chief looked at her in horror and anger, saying that she was a monster, thinking that she was deliberately telling them to let their guard down, and then destroying them, he died after the shouting. Only then did Flamewing realize that her abilities were out of control. She just dreamed of her former mate, who was being attacked. She was just anxious to protect him... but used abilities in reality. In fact, it was the village chief who wanted to hurt Flamewing, and it was her fire who deliberately drove Flamewing to use abilities in her sleep out of the consciousness of protecting his master, but accidentally set the whole village on fire.


  She left the village. Learned to use water and no longer use fire unless necessary. But water is the opposite of her own nature, fire is alive, it was angry, it is so loyal, how can she abandon it? Flamewing's powers are getting more and more out of control as she struggles to maintain herself, avoiding every village untail she find an old shrine.


  There are two fox fairy in the shrine, they attack Flamewing, but Flamewing is stronger than them, they obey Flamewing from now on. Flamewing later encounters an old nekomata who tald her that she must take medicine to avoid losing control. Flamewing continued to wander around with the medicine, and finally stopped in an abandoned barn, but she didn't know that the barn actually had an owner, and that was Flowcherry. Flowcherry invited her to stay, and two cats gradually became confidants. Flamewing didn't tell Flowcherry about his powers, but Flowcherry actually know that she had to take medicine regularly.


  Once the medicine was finished, Flamewing 'can't came to the old nekomata to get the medicine in time, and the fire finally developed its own character. It took advantage of this gap to occupy Flamewing's body and hurt Flowcherry. After Flamewing woke up, he ordered two foxes to guard Flowcherry and left because he blamed himself too much. Finally she sealed the fire in the crystal of the cherry blossom necklace. Then live in a chalet...


Now 現在

  As the chalet members increased one by one, she realized that she had always longed for such a family, Flowcherry also came, and she had this happy family.


End 結局

  In the true end, her partners disappeared one by one, she felt very sad, but she knew that the time had come, she had to face the fire eventually. She died with the fire in the end, leaving nothing but the cherry blossom necklace.


Happy ending 完美結局

  In the perfect ending, she also faced fire, but she did not choose to fight against it, and she finally reconciled with her fire.



Unknow 不明
Mate 伴侶

Flamewing's mate. A male feral without any abilities. He settled down the once impulsive Flamewing, and Flamewing lived happily with him, but in the end she could only watch her lover grow old and eventually die of illness.


This place in Flamewing's heart will never be given to other beasts. She loves the family she has now, but it's a pity that this special one will never be part of it.


Flowcherry 流櫻
Close friend/Family 親近的朋友/家人

Flowcherry is Flamewing's first confidant after many years of wandering. They met in an abandoned barn. She never blamed Flamewing for accidentally hurting her, and finally decided to look for Flamewing and live with her. Flowcherry loves Flamewing, Flamewing knows this, but Flowcherry understands that Flamewing can't love anymore, so as long as he can continue to accompany her and support her, it is enough.


Other chalet members 其他木屋成員
Family 家人

The family Flamewing longs for, she loves these families deeply.


Design by

bigger than an adult male cat

average value

Sunset-like orange, always very gentle

Short fur. smooth and neat

like a tender mother






Artist Notes 筆記
  • Both her eyes are intact, I'm just lazy.
  • 雙眼都是完整的,我只是懶。
  • Sakura necklace isn't OPT.
  • 櫻花項鍊不可拆。