Finnbarr Collins



3 years, 6 months ago


Finnbarr Collins

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  1. Biography
  2. History
  3. Trivia
  4. Playlist
  5. Design Notes


Finnbarr is a relatively intimidating guy. Over six feet and weighing over 200 pounds of mostly muscle, it is understandable if someone is a little wary of him at first. He seems like your average meathead jock, but actually is a softie that cares a lot about his education. He gets mostly low B's and is focused on his major of physics.

He's been in a few fights before, much more often than he'd like to have been. He tries his best to avoid conflict and de-escalate situations logically but sometimes his anger or frustration gets the better of him. While he does hang out with jocks and people of that nature, he enjoys spending time with more shy or outcasted individuals. Nobody likes feeling left out, and Finnbarr is prepared to make anyone feel included.

"A quote, or song lyrics!"


Finnbarr was born the oldest to Grace and Theo Collins. His parents split when he was 12 years old, his father having been not the best kind of guy to him, his mother, and his siblings. His father was left the house even before the divorce was finalized, and Finnbarr's mother was forced to raise him and his siblings. She did well even on her own, but due to being stretched thin with her hospital job and four children, Finnbarr stepped up to take care of his siblings as well when his mother was gone or too tired to do anything.

Throughout his teen years, Finnbarr began to struggle with his anger, partially from hormones and partially from the strong disliking he had for his father that had been welling up inside of him for years. He would often get into fights with other people over the smallest or biggest things, but the big thing that pissed him off to the point of fighting was when people would make fun of or bully his younger brothers. He often fought every and any bully that they'd have if they were similar in age, which most of them were. One fight in particular was rather bad, and he had to go to the hospital for stitches and found out he had a few broken ribs.

Now that he's an adult he's gotten a better grip on his anger and how to work out situations without fighting. While he still has that anger inside of him and his urge to fight occasionally kicks in, he has better skills to prevent himself from getting violent and to prevent saying something he would regret. It doesn't always work however, and he has gotten in about two physical fights as an adult, which he deeply regrets.


  • Has multiple scars from fights in the past, including a bite out of his tail
  • Would do anything to protect his brothers and mom
  • Still harbours hatred for his father
  • Resting bitter face


Masculine clothing
Muscular build

Name Finnbarr "Brutus" Collins
Gender Male
Species Shark
Age 21
Height 6'4"
Weight 243 lbs