Mistress Z



9 years, 23 days ago


Zenobia comes form a rather large family. She is the oldest of six children to the lovely Jones couple. All her life it was easy to see how in love her parents were, although he father's job as a Pokemon Researcher often kept him busy and out of the home until late at night. Her mother worked at the Herb Shop, and is who Zoey received her love of gardening from. She would often spent hours outside working alongside her mother. Being the oldest sibling she also did a lot of child-rearing while she was at home. When she could, she would accompany her father for his research as well. She received her first Pokemon, a Ghastly from her father whom was studying Ghost type Pokemon at the time. Shortly after giving Casper his name, she started out on her Pokemon journey at the age of fifteen. She would have liked to have started her journey at a younger age, but she felt a sort of responsibility to her siblings to stay. She spent years honing her skills with various Pokemon, but she always went back to her specialty, Ghosts. Honing her skills, she eventually received an invitation to join the Elite Four. It made her happy to be recognized as good enough to be a part of them. She's been working for the Elite Four since she was nineteen.