Milo Maristela



9 years, 23 days ago


Milo is originally from Cerulean City, where he would often go to the gym there and use their pool to practice swimming. From a young age he always loved getting into the water, days when it was raining and he couldn't go to the outdoor pool were a big disappointment to him. Having grown up practically like a fish he came to love water Pokemon and it's no surprise that he always had a type preference. While he has trained with other types, he likes to have the Pokemon with him enjoy the water as well. He developed a love for star-gazing as well and as time went on he opened his own gym, which also serves as a small aquarium where you can see not only different kinds of sea creatures, but Pokemon as well.

Most people who first meet Milo probably assume he's shy, despite his opposing size he's actually a very quiet person. He's a man of few words and one-thousand thoughts. While he tends to be blunt and to the point during conversation, his mind is always racing. Outwardly he can seem like a lazy, shy, and reserved. In reality he just speaks very little. He's actually very social and likes out hang out in groups, it's just his people skills aren't amazing and he's not the type to sugar-coat any sort of situation. He cares a lot for the people around him, but he has very few close friends.