Cian Deadend



7 years, 9 days ago

Basic Info


Cian Denholm Deadend


Pooch (only used by Ouka tho)






Dog demon


3th area


Prince oh 3th area



Height: 188cm

Weight: 72kg

Built: lanky

Hair: white/black stripes

Eyes: black whites, blue irises.

Skin: pale

Piercings/tattoos: none



Cian is a gentleman, he is always polite to his best, he is really hard to make angry, and he keeps his cool in almost every situation. Even thought he can seem really calm an collected in every formal occasion, he is more emotional at private events with his friends, he is shy and gets embarassed easily, specially when talking about subjects you should not speak of otside of the bedroom! 

Cian is a bit oblivious sometimes, for example, he didn't realize the obvious hints about Ouka crushing on him, and didn't even realize he was being jealous when Ouka went out with another boy, even tho he felt really mad for her doing so. 

Cian does like to make little pranks on others, as long as no one finds out it was him, since.. that is not gentleman like to do.

 Cian might seem a bit spoiled and whine about things a little too much when he is with his friends, but he is always there to help and support them and has a loyalty of a trusty dog. He is really responcible person, and would never leave his work for later, he is commited to do his best, and it often causes him to get really stressed.


+ smart

+ polite

+ diplomatic

- tense

- anxious

- stressed


- He ruffles his hair to a mess when nervious, but shakes his head to get them fall right back to being perfect.

- Growls when annoyed.

- He tends to walk really fast until realizing others are having hard time keeping up with him.

- He uses fancy words that most of the people don't know the meaning of.

- He dozes off if his head gets petted.


+ Cian likes to take it easy when he doesn't need to take care of business, he loves to go for a ride or a visit to Halla with Ouka.

+ Playing violin.

+ Fancy drinks, non alcoholic or alcoholic, he just really likes them, favorite one "Spiral Rose".

+ Theater plays.

+ Old fairytales.

- Opera, he cannot stand so high noises.

- Smoking, he hates the smell.

- Girls wearing overly revealing clothes, he understands it if its a cultural thing or other sense making reason, but wearing them just to show themselves off seems just bad taste to him.

- Bitter or spicy foods.

- Fighting.


- Sword fighting.

- Dog form.

- Dog demon form, which is a full potential form of the dog spirit he possesses, letting him turn into a giant dog creature.

- Super strong.

- He can smell and track anything he knows the scent of.

- Nightmare form


Cian was born in a wealthy family of the rulers of the 3th area, his father teached him good manners and he became a really polite child, at the age of 5, he was first introduced to his future first hand servant of the Dearling family as the tradition had, which was Ouka, Ouka and Cian didn't really seem to like each others in the beginning, Ouka seemed like a jerk with no manners or knowledge how to be a lady. In the few years before Ouka moved in, Cian was rather bored at home, so he started to play little pranks on the guests and servants around the mansion, he never got caught of anything, even tho his dad did know he was behind them, but didn't really mind revealing it or tell him not to do so (he actually thought it was funny), Cian studied many things, as violin playing, sword fighting, horse riding.. And so on. When Cian turned 9, Ouka was finally trasferred to live with the Deadend family, she was 8 at the time, Ouka and Cian had a lots of arguments with each other, till the day Ouka noticed Cian pranking a guest, and she thought he wasn't as boring as she had first thought, after this, she started to find more interest in his hobbies, and found them great, Cian often slept in a same bed with her, and read her a bedtime stories.

Cian and Ouka met Hallaraj when he was 11, and as he first found Halla weird, they became friends during the galas and meetings and all, since they were really the only three kids in the scenes, and became even better friends later on.

From the age of 13, Cian has been involved in a serious business, his father knew things about upcoming danger, and needed Cians help on things that could possibly be the safe of the future, he and Ouka helped Mr.Deadend by completing tasks he gave them and prepared for the upcoming.

Around the age of 16, Cian started to notice Ouka was acting a bit weird, but didn't really realize what was going on with her, but he became really upset and jealous after Ouka went on a date with one up class boy, he still wasn't sure of his feelings tho..

There is a great danger on the way.. A war.. Cian will be joining this war with the other rulers of this realm to save the world..



  Ouka: Ouka was "given" to Cian to become his first servant thru tradition, they really disliked each other at first, but thru time started to grow really close, Cian never really treated or thought of Ouka just as his servant, she was more of his best friend and other way around. He didn't notice it really, but he was falling for her, but it never crossed his mind that that would be the case.. Untill.. She started to see other boys. Cian got really angry over this and it was bringing tension to their friendship. In the end, Cian did realize his feeling towards her tho, and found out that she had been in love with him for a long time already, and they finally moved their relationship to the next level after the war and all were over and in time they got married.


  Celeste: Father. Cian often gets a little frustrated with his dad to be honest, he is really smart and respectable dad and is always helping Cian and teaching him, but he has a habit of teasing his son, he never says anything in a rude of offensive way, but would say smart puns and comments. As frustrated as Cian feels with his dad being a dork at times, he still always has good time with him and they never really fight or have problems with each other.

  Caroline: Mother. His mom was always really silent and seemingly distant, so they never really talked all that much, but Cian never thought that she wouldn't love him, she did, and does, very much. Cian loves to spend relaxing evenings with his mom in silence drinking tea without any needless chatter. She is always giving him little advices or fixing his hair or clothes if she notices them not being on point.

  Consettina: Daughter.


  Hallaraj: Cians best buddy, seeing that Hallaraj is only ruler around same age as Cian, he is pretty much the only friend he can be normal with, since he is reguired to act a certain way with other people, but being around same rank as a prince as Halla is as a fift ruler, he doesn't need to show off and behave perfect. They always have fun and Halla is the one to get Cian do all kinds of stupid things he wouldn't othervice do, Cian does get frustraded with Halla jokingly flirting with him but he knows it's a joke and doesn't mind it all that much.


  Spooky: Cians dads first servant and Oukas cousin, Cian used to feel flustered with Spookys constant hugs and kisses, but got used to them in time, she was always his baby sitter when his parents weren't home, and they are really close, Cian can trust Spooky with everything.

  Mariko: A bastard child of an important family she didn't know she was a part of.. Cian tricked her to become his servant, but he never felt bad for doing so, seeing that there was a plan on board that would end up making her a Queen of the first area... Cian likes to mess with her, but even with all their bickering and being bricks to each other, they are good friends.

  Bianca: Poor faun girl from first area with determination to learn everything there is about healing, Cian found her interesting and wishes to help her on her quest. She tagged along with them in the war and was extremely helpful during that time becoming next servant family of the first area. Cian thinks of her as a really trustworthy friend.



- He has a great butt, and hates the fact that Halla and Ouka has noticed it too and like to make remarks of it..