Diana Jager



3 years, 2 months ago


Pretty Li'l Songbird

kind • resilient • thoughtful

Diana Jäger
Fit Hourglass
Siren/Sylph hybrid

 "Ya don't hafta go through this alone. I'm here t' listen if ya need a friendly ear."

Li'l ray of sunshine

Diana grew up in the middle of nowhere, and has made it a life goal to get people to smile. Sometimes it is through kindness, though it is often through song. She was born with perfect pitch and tone, and singing became a pleasant way of life for her. Still, she did end up going off to college to properly major in music.

Life after college found her in Crescent Grove. More often than not one can find her hiking along the trails there, working on songs she is writing. Though every so often it is possible to catch her just off the trail, plucking away at her guitar and singing to a friendly crow she affectionately calls Kale.

There are times when things shift, however, and her more base nature demands to be known. Like some of the super natural denizens of Crescent Grove there are certain moon phases that draw it out. So she tends to slip the human form for something more fitting.



Diana does try to keep herself contained as to not let her blood get the best of her. That was why she went to college.

Crescent Grove

Crescent Grove is a small town that has a fairly large supernatural community, though it mainly comes to life around full or new moons. Most of the supernatural community is aware of each other, but there are quite a few cases that go undocumented - Especially when it comes to murders of humans who reside in the area, in which these cases often go unsolved due to the lack of cooperation from the supernatural community.

Smalltown Life

Diana does make a living writing songs and doing the occasional performance down at a local coffee shop during open mic nights. There she has been known to be friendly toward the regulars, and it seems she is quite the social butterfly when there. Yet, as night falls she ducks out and away from the spotlight, taking quiet walks through the surrounding areas to wind down.

When not busy with writing songs she will bake for those that live in her building as a way to reach out and connect. She also will bring those loaves in to the cafe for snackage during open mic, and there will always be a loaf specific for those working there to enjoy.

Some do question her as to why she, a being with both Siren and Sylph lineage, opts more to write songs instead of perform them? Opt to walk instead of drifts on currents of air? She'll reply that she's always be peculiar and leave it at that.


  • Her favorite latte is London Fog with a generous helping of whipped cream.
  • Should the night be quiet her time out will be spent humming instead.
  • Was the 7th follower on the Crescent Eye blog, username CrowSong.
  • Often times after a busy night she'll only walk in silence.
  • Any song she writes she submits it under a pseudonym.
  • Diana is an ambivert.



Sheridan  [ Downstairs Neighbor/Tentative Friend ]

A student at the university she graduated from before. She finds him quiet but nice, and she tends to bring up a loaf of bread whenever she can, be it Amish Friendship bread or some other bread she made.


Kale  [ Bird friend ]

Small, feathery bird that she is friends with. She'll go on hikes with him and has given him a gift of a red string. He also gets baked goods -- but only millet crackers

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