Cinderspark's Comments

Hi there! Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if this cutie was for sale? c:

Yeah they are! They have additional unadded ref sheet and upcoming fullbody^^

Ok I'd love to buy her <3

Okay! Please send the money to [email protected] !
just make sure to send it in USD, paypal tries to convert in to PLN sometimes, if it does, just change the PLN to USD :3

Ok sent, I hope I did it right! I added a little extra to help cover the pp fee <3

oh my god tysm!! Sending her in one sec

and here’s the ref sheet; (hope the link works)

art by Dulcea on th/dulcealuf on insta! i’ll let you know when fullbody will be done^^

btw if you are interested in more Daisydesigns I have about 10 more for sale :3

4 Replies