
3 years, 3 months ago


Based on Greek Mythology: Minor Greek God; God of wolves, the moon, the night and shadows; ”Prince of the Underworld”
Origin & parents: Unknown
Ability: Controls an immortal wolf pack made of shadows. Wolf pack’s leader is α. Controls green fire. Lupin and wolves can teleport through shadows. α -> a black wolf with poison green eyes, can have a solid physical form and a shadow form. Other wolves of the pack -> white empty eyes, they can only have a shadow form which can be either multiple individual wolves or liquid like shadows. They can aswell merge to one shadow being.

Symbol meanings:

BG=Before Gods (time before Gods were born)

AG=After Gods (time after Gods were born)

BE=Before End (short from BOTE=Beginning Of The End (time during the elimination of the Gods)

AE=After End (short from ATEOTG=After The End Of The Gods (time after the Gods were killed))

New modern term AE = NB=New Beginning (replaces the term AE, mostly used by people who preferred the new world after the Greek Gods died and they aswell preferred the world without Greek Gods)


- After Lupin’s “death”, Apollo created Lupins (wolf plant) and named the them after him. (AG)

- Hades took him under his wing and interduced him to the Olympians (AE)