

Name: Astatine

Gender: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: None

Age: Young Adult

Species:  Skywing/Nightwing Hybrid

Residence: Skywing Kingdom

Status: Single

Born of a Skywing and the Nightwing Queen, Astatine has a troubled life. To his mother, he is nothing more than a weapon and an experiment. To his father, he is precious... but due to the less than stellar intentions of his mother, Astatine has been hidden away in the Skywing kingdom.

  • As a Firescale, Astatine is confined to the small section of the Skywing kingdom reserved for such dragons. He absolutely despises these restrictions, which are even tighter due to his father's concerns.
  • Due to being born under the full moon, Astatine has the power of mind reading. However, it is not a very strong ability and he is more empathic than able to read others' thoughts.
  • He desperately wants to explore the world, but his father refuses to allow it. There have been many times where Astatine has thought of running away. He's determined that one day he will.
Design Notes:
  • His flame scales are up to interpretation, but should be relatively close to the provided references.
  • Please keep the silver scale next to his eye, as it is important to his design.
  • Astatine nearly looks identical to a standard Nightwing, with small Skywing features such as the horn on his nose.
  • Elaborate Music
  • Midnight Flights
  • Reading
  • Most Nightwings
  • Heavy Restrictions
  • Daylight