


3 years, 2 months ago


NUMBER (77) Owner: ShadowFox1412

Name: Namaari

Age: 7

Bloodline: NA

Birthdate: August 17th

Upload Date: March 17th, 2021

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Female

Status: NA

Parents: NA

Cubs: NA

Personality: Namaari is cunning and sly. She has a hard time  trusting those outside of her small friend group but is in truth quite  caring and determined to do what’s best for those she cares about.

History: Namaari grew up with her mother and a young puma cub she  discovered injured one day. Namaari’s mother was cold and didn’t really  ever seem to take Namaari seriously or even pay the young cub much  attention unless she wanted something from the cub, however she allowed  her daughter to keep the puma and grow up with it, the two working  perfectly together as a team. For the longest time Namaari’s only friend  was the puma she named Dep La which literally just means friend.  Eventually Namaari left and began traveling on her own with Dep La by  her side, exploring the world around her and learning more about other  grans and life in general. Namaari doesn’t really stay in one place for  too long but both she and Dep La prefer the more mountainous regions.

Random facts: loosely based her off of Namaari from raya and the  last dragon because Namaari was kinda one of my favorite characters.

Stats: 20 STR – 6 | RES – 2 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 4

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: UC | Fangs: UC | Size: UC | Eyes: UC

Alt Traits: Horns: UC, UC | Wings: NA | Glowies: NA | Feathers: NA

God Trait(s): NA

Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: NA | Flowers: NA | Plants: NA | Branch Horns: NA | Wooden Limbs: NA

Mutation: NA

Special Base: NA