
3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:



Masc agender? (he/him)


?? young adult?




none yet!

Creation Date:

March 17 2021


A medium-ranking fox spirit masquerading as a normal mortal, Kira has been conscripted into a game as a part of a power play by the King of his court. He has been sent to meatspace under very loose instructions that only require him to do as his King says when he is told - he is free to his own machinations as he pleases in the meantime. Kira sets himself up at a mage's university, pretending to be a simple werewolf and taking over the position of the registrar where he can come into contact with as many people as possible for the best, broadest reach.

While originally haughty and annoyed about being confined to the human realm, he quickly builds relations with the humans and other mortals around them and finds that they, much to his bewilderment, care about him and his well-being. They have feelings. Humans are great, actually, and that they deserve just as much respect as any other person. Now unimaginably distraught about how his King and the other courts treat humans like playthings, Kira makes up his mind to stop this awful little game - a pointless territorial spat at best - and keep his mortals safe. He begrudgingly continues to play out his role as a Rook in his King's games but only to buy himself time, working through loopholes and stretching the rules as thin as he can.

Unfortunately, there's little Kira can do as it is; he's fairly weak in the grand scheme of things. If he's able to gain enough power, though, he could break off in contempt of his court and do something about protecting the humans as more than just playthings in the fae's machinations. Spirits still rely on humans for their power, but Kira would rather not hurt them to do so - even though he needs it, the goal is to protect them. He makes do by stealing their souls (a replenishing energy resource, not a one-use thing) with any camera he can get his hands on and enchant fast enough, and puts on an act of the obsessive photographer and selfie-taker. It's slow going but he's getting there.

Kira is saucy and sly and more than a little flamboyant. He's quite the socialite and loves attention, and forms very strong relationships with people. Of course, as both a fox and a faerie, he is a two-faced liar and a manipulative trickster - though he tends not to show that side of himself when he can help it. Despite his more sinister side, though, he's aggressively loyal when he thinks someone is deserving.

Social Connections

none yet <3

World Context

Spirit lore coming soon!

fae/spirits rely heavily on rank to denote power. everyone has a place in ranking and you can rise/fall in the pecking order by besting someone above you in combat, trial, wits, a game, or anything else you can get them to agree to.

> Fairly tall
> made using ☄️🦊📷 !

> Claims to be a werewolf so people are less suspect of him. Folks figure out he isn't but usually not til they know him better

> none of note yet

||  Favorite Art  ||  Flat Colors  ||  Fox Form  ||

Primary Notes
> tip of ponytail and tips of tails always have a lil curly
> lots of dense freckles on his cheeks, ears, collarbone, shoulders, arms, hands, back, base of his tails, and knees
> nose stripe only appears in multi-tails form

> hair is optional in fox form
> sleek fur, not too fluffy

Other Things
> tall and lanky, with broad shoulders
> often has a camera or cellphone and appears to be a selfie junkie
> can swap at will between forms. Only multi-tailed forms are accompanied by will-o-wisps.

normal fox - multi-tailed fox - monstrous fox demon - humanoid with multiple tails - humanoid with one tail - normal human (very hard for him to hold for long)