


3 years, 6 months ago



Class: Warlock: The Fathomless

Level: 1

Race: Half-Elf

Background: Hermit

Strength: 11

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 12 +1

Wisdom: 10 +1

Charisma: 15 +2

+1 Acrobatics (Dex)

0 Animal Handling (Wis)

+1 Arcana (Int)

0 Athletics (Str)

+3 Deception (Cha)

+1History (Int)

0 Insight (Wis)

+3 Intimidation (Cha)

+1 Investigation (Int)

0 Medicine (Wis)

+1 Nature (Int)

0 Perception (Wis)

+3 Performation (Cha)

+3 Persuasion (Cha)

+1 Religion (Int)

+1 Sleight of Hand (Dex)

+1 Stealth (Dex)

0 Survival (Wis)

Savings Throws: Constitution, Charisma

Languages: Common, Elven

Weapons: Daggers

Armor: None

Tools: None

Spells: Create or destroy water, Shape Water, Healing Elixir

Features and Traits:

• Cantrip (High Elf Heritage) 

• Otherwordly Patron

• Pact Magic

Personality Trait: 

She often gets lost in her own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to her surroundings


Free Thinking: Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress (Chaotic)


She is still seeking enlightenment she pursued in seclusion and it still eludes her


She would risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge


Calypso grew up in a quaint little farmer town. Her family have been farmers for generations, but that lifestyle didn't quite fit for Calypso. She despised the physical labor aspects and would rather read any book she could find (which the selection was kinda limited in the little library in town). 

One day while helping her brothers dig holes for new fencing she found a book in the ground. The book was written in a language she has never seen before. Calypso became obsessed studying it. After a while she started noticing that whispers came from any water near by and that the book somehow reacted to it. After a failed intervention from her family Calypso left in anger with the book to follow the whispers. It didn't take long for her to regret her decision to leave like that and miss her family dearly (however the farmwork she did not). 

After traveling around and building more and more a stronger connection to the water she met a wise wizard and they taught her how to use magic, however she paid a steep price for it. They stole her book and took off with it and leaving her with only one piece of information that that book was a relic from the mysterious Fathomless. 

After being betrayed like that she had a break down after being alone, missing her family and feeling too ashamed to return, and more so because she thought that Wizard was her friend. Suddenly while she was sobbing in the rain the whispers turn into a roar and the rainclouds broke apart and let strong sun rays through. Calypso believing it was a sign from the Fathomless ran to the spot where the sun had shone just a moment ago and next to the road in the dirt laid a golden seashell. 

Calypso took it upon her duty to guard this sacred relic, whose safety was entrusted to her and found a secluded hut in some grasslands. She moved there and lived by herself for many years (her farming background came in very handy here). Ocassionally Calypso did some trading with some Adventurers, making sure not to let anybody see her sacred Seashell. 

One faithful day a battle occured in the grasslands upstream and after her waters got sick Calypso wandered out to see what was happening. She only found one barely survivor and only because the water led her to him. His name was Ingor and she nursed him back to health. Because the memory of the battle was too fresh in the waters memory Calypso left her home at that point. Ingor and her teamed up at that point and started a journey to find new meaning to their existences in the World. 

(Note: the Seashell is actually a tourist souvenir from a big Seaside town on the other side of the ocean. And the sign Calypso saw that had her find it was just coincidence lol Nothing mysterious or magical there)