514 "Dreamer"



3 years, 1 month ago



Name 514
called Dreamer
gender female, she/her
orientation unknown
race dog, keeshond
role character in throwout dogs
Creation Date febuary 2021


  • outside
  • sleep
  • observing
  • science


  • tired
  • dreamy
  • optimistic
  • desensitized


Dreamer's most distinct trait is her disability to differentiate reality from dreams. She talks about her dreams as if they have happened and is confused if they contradict with the present. Occasionally she will pass of real events as dreams. She is surprisingly optimistic for a test animal in general. She doesn't know the real outside, but she has visited what she thinks is outside in her dreams, and thus isn't really aware of the harsh reality. She just waits for the next time she can go outside. Then again, she also fears that she'll be transported right back into testing since she has been freed in her dreams previously.

Her mood depends drastically on whether she has slept, and what kind of dreams she has been having. Having pleasant dreams renders her optimistic and happy, but nightmares leave her terrified for a long time. She gets upset if you question the truthfulness of her stories and is genuinely confused when you don't share the memories of something that, to her, has really happened.

She also doesn't understand the permanence of death. For all she knows, she has seen those she knows die and be miraculously back alive the next day. She herself has died multiple times in her dreams, only to wake up and think that she's back from the dead.

HTML by Pinky